Overview of Creating Custom Reports

After you understand what your report should contain, you create it on the report designer.

The procedures listed here demonstrate the basic steps required to create most reports. While the sample report might not be useful to your organization, knowing how to create a report like this will help you create reports your organization needs.

In this sample report, you will see the number of unresolved and updated incidents in each incident queue. You will also be able to drill down on the information in the first level to open a second output level to view details about the incidents in each queue.

To create the report, you will follow a number of basic steps.

  1. Open the report designer. See Open the Report Designer.

  2. Add columns to the report. See Add Output Columns to a Report.

  3. Add another output level to the report. See Add a Second Output Level to a Report.

  4. Add filters to the report. See Add a Search Filter to a Report.

  5. Save the report. See Save a Custom Report.