Dashboard Tabs

The buttons on the Home and Page Setup dashboard tabs let you open the Search window, refresh the display, select display options, forward the dashboard, configure print options, and perform other actions that impact the entire dashboard.

Permission to export, print, and forward reports must be selected in your profile for the Page Setup tab and the Export and Forward buttons on the Home tab to display. These permissions are described in Analytics Permissions. See Dashboard Designer Page Setup Tab for descriptions of the buttons on the Page Setup tab.

Dashboard Home Tab

Group/Button Description

Data Set

The buttons in this group let you search for data in all the dashboard’s reports, refresh the display, and reset the search criteria to the dashboard’s defaults.


Click this button to open the dashboard’s Search window. See How You Search Dashboard Reports.


Click this button to refresh the dashboard’s data using the current search criteria.

If the auto-refresh feature is enabled, an arrow displays on the button. Clicking the arrow displays options to let staff members enable or disable automatic refresh and change the interval time for automatic refresh of data. See Edit Dashboard Options.


Click this button to reset the dashboard’s search criteria to the defaults and regenerate the dashboard using the default search criteria.


The buttons in this group let you modify how the dashboard displays. For example, you can apply a style to all the reports on the dashboard to give them a similar appearance.


Click this button to display all the dashboard’s reports on the screen when the dashboard is run. Each report can have separate scroll bars to view the report contents.


Click this button to display all the contents of each report on the dashboard. When this option is selected, each report displays in its preferred size and the height and width of the items in each report are fixed. Separate reports do not have separate scroll bars, but vertical and horizontal scroll bars are added to the dashboard if needed to display the entire dashboard.

If the entire size of the dashboard exceeds 32767 x 32767 pixels, dashboard contents are clipped when using scrolling.

Display Options

Click this button to change the dashboard’s width, add report title bars, and select which report sections you want to display. See Change Dashboard Display Options.

Auto Format

Click this button to apply a style to all the reports in a dashboard. This overrides styles applied to the individual reports. See Apply a Style to a Dashboard.


The buttons in this group let you export the dashboard, forward the dashboard in an email, and save and restore default settings.

Permission to export, print, and forward reports must be selected in your profile for the Export and Forward buttons to display. See Analytics Permissions.


Click this button to export the data from the dashboard’s reports to a file for use with third-party applications. You can export the dashboard in HTML, PDF, Excel, XML, Image, Clipboard, and Delimited formats. Reformatting of report layouts will occur when exporting dashboards in certain formats.

Dashboards exported in the Excel format are laid out vertically, and the reports’ row and column spacing are reset so the data displays sequentially.

Dashboards exported in XML and delimited formats do not retain their report layouts, and the data displays sequentially.

Dashboards exported in HTML, Image, and PDF formats retain their report layouts. However, dashboards that span multiple pages are arranged vertically when viewed in PDF format.

Dashboards and reports are exported using the same method and can be exported in the same formats. See Export Report and Dashboard Data for more information about these formats.


Click this button to send the dashboard to individuals or distribution lists in an email. Dashboards and reports are forwarded using the same method. See Forward a Report.

Default Settings

Click this button and select Save as Default to save your personalized display and data settings for a dashboard for later use. Select Restore to remove personalized display and data settings from a dashboard and restore the settings to those defined in the dashboard. See Reset Display and Data Settings.


The options in this group let you select whether to show the dashboard’s header, footer, and description.

Dashboard Header

Select this check box to show the dashboard’s header.

Dashboard Footer

Select this check box to show the dashboard’s footer.

Dashboard Description

Click this button and select how the dashboard description should display. You can choose to not display a description, display the description inline, or display the description on a separate tab.