Incident Response Tracking

Incident response tracking lets you see how customers react to interactions they have with your agents. This helps improve customer support because you can see if your customers are using the information you send them.

For instance, suppose you are sending 500 emails a week. Incident response tracking can show you how many of those emails are opened and how many links are clicked that result in a visit to your customer portal.

In addition, incident response tracking is effective in helping you evaluate aspects of your customer experience solution, including the quality of your agent responses. Not only can you see the actions contacts take before submitting an incident, but you can also track what happens after submitting an incident. For example, suppose your agent sends an answer link in response to a contact’s question. If the contact clicks the link, you can see every action the contact takes on your customer portal.

Simply stated, message templates track customer-facing incident responses, which lets you see activity related to the following contact email messages.

  • Question Receipt—This email is sent to contacts to confirm the receipt of their question from the Ask a Question page, an email, or a chat session.
  • Rule Email—This email is sent to a contact when the Send Response action is triggered by a business rule.
  • Incident Closed—This email is sent to a contact when an incident status changes to Solved.
  • Incident Solved—This email is sent to a contact when a staff member responds to the incident and the incident status is Solved.
  • Incident Waiting—This email is sent to a contact when a staff member responds to the incident and the incident status is Waiting.
  • Incident Unresolved—This email is sent to a contact when a staff member responds to the incident and the incident status is Unresolved.

You can track how often these incident response emails are viewed as well as how customers use the information that you provide in your response, such as viewed answers, clicked links, and customer portal pages that were accessed. Only unique views and clicks are tracked so you can be confident that your statistics are accurate. This also helps to keep stored data manageable.

You can also use tracked links in your messages to automatically track your hyperlinks. Before you can insert tracked links into your message content, you need to add them to your system. For complete details and procedures on adding tracked links to your system, and then inserting tracked links from the HTML editor, see Add a Tracked Link and Insert a Tracked Link.

Incident response tracking data is accessed through standard reports found in public reports which are accessed either from the Reports Explorer or from the Customize List window. This is accessed by clicking the Gear icon on your navigation list. Statistics used for this report are stored in the Message Transactions (message_trans) table. For a description of the information logged in the Message Transactions table, click Configuration > Database > Data Dictionary on the navigation pane to view the data dictionary.

Note: The configuration setting MESSAGE_TEMPLATES_PURGE_DAYS defines how long data in the Message Transactions (message_trans) table is stored. By default, data is removed after 400 days. This ensures that your database tables stay at a manageable size. You can change the value of this setting using the Configuration Settings editor, click Configuration > Site Configuration > Configuration Settings on the navigation pane. From the Configuration Settings editor the setting is found in RightNow Common/Message Templates/General. See How You Customize Configuration Settings.
  • Incident Message Statistics—This report provides statistics comparing the number of incident responses sent and the number that contacts viewed over time. (Public Reports/Service/Incident Reports/Incident Activity)
  • Incident Message Transactions—This report was designed to be added to an incident workspace. It provides statistics on runtime activity, such as message content, date and time of incident creation, message type (answer or tracked link), and if a customer portal session resulted from any contact interaction. (Public Reports/Service/Views/Service/Editor Reports - Service)
  • Incident Message Web Visit Details—This report maps the incident that triggers the email as well as the customer portal session that results from a contact clicking a link in an email. It is inherently related to the Incident Message Transactions report because the runtime filter it requires is a web visit ID. (Public Reports/Service/Views/Service/Editor Reports - Service)