Report Designer Insert Tab

The Insert tab allows you to add columns, charts, and data exceptions to your report.

You can also add standard text fields or custom text fields created from the Text Fields explorer and images added in the Images explorer. See Create a Text Field and Images Explorer.

Insert Tab

Group/Button Description
Column Click this button to open the Column Definition window to add a column to the report. See Add a Column to a Report.

You can also add columns by dragging them from the data dictionary onto the design surface.

Text Click this button to insert a text field into a report section that accepts text fields. See Add a Text Field to a Header or Footer.
Image Click this button to add an image to your report. See Add an Image to a Report Section.
Chart The buttons in this group let you select a chart to add to the Charts section of your report. You can select different chart types and subtypes. See How to Add and Edit Charts.
Exception Click this button to add data exceptions to the report. See Create a Data Exception.