Report Designer Level Tab

The report designer’s Level tab gives you access to options you can apply to report levels.

You can also create reports with drill-down levels from this tab. If your report already has multiple output levels, you can select the level you want to edit from the Level drop-down list on the design surface.

You can apply level filters and group filters from this tab and add custom scripts to the report level you’re viewing. You can also click Edit to add output descriptions to the report level.

Level Tab

Group/Button Description
Current Level The buttons in this group let you edit the report level that's currently selected on the Level drop-down list at the top of the design surface. You can also delete the selected level, or add custom scripts or drill-down levels to the level.
Edit Click this button to open the Level Settings window where you can configure all level options for the selected level. See Overview of Report Output Levels.


Click this button to delete the selected level. This option isn't available for the top level of a report.

When you delete a level, all the columns and other items added to the level are also deleted.

Add Drilldown Click this button to add a drill-down level to the selected level. See Overview of Report Output Levels.
Custom Scripts Click this button to add a custom script to the selected level. See Create a Custom Script in a Report.
Drilldown Settings The options in this group let you select the drill-down filter and link for the level. See Configure Recursive Drill-Down Levels.
Drilldown Filter Click this drop-down list to select the output column or columns to use as the filter for the new level. The drill-down filter determines the data set displayed in the drill-down level.

Drilldown Link

Click this drop-down list to select the output column you click to open the drill-down level. You can also select Entire Row to open the drill-down level by clicking anywhere on a row in the parent output level.

If you want to drill down into another report level instead of opening a specific record when a value from the record is double-clicked on a report, select Entire Row as the drill-down link. When configuring record commands for the report, select None from the Default Record drop-down list. See Change Record Command Actions.

Open in Window Click this drop-down list to specify how you want to open the drill-down output level. To replace the current output level, select None. To open the output level in a new window, select the location on the screen where you want the window to open by default. You can choose Top, Bottom, Left, or Right.
Grouping The buttons in this group let you configure result grouping for the drill-down level.
Group Results Select this check box to group data on the selected level. See Group Data in an Output Level.
Change Group Order Click this button to change the order of the grouped output columns. See Change Data Grouping Order.
Parameters The buttons in this group let you manage level and group filters, and add record limits to the selected level.
Level Filters Click this button to view, add, edit, or delete level filters. See Create a Level Filter.
Group Filters Click this button to view, add, edit, or delete group filters. See Create a Group Filter.
Add Level Filter Click this button to add a level filter. See Create a Level Filter.
Add Group Filter Click this button to add a group filter. See Create a Group Filter.
Record Limit Click this button to limit the number of records that can be returned on the selected level. See Set Record Row Limits and Page Breaks.