Opportunity Record Tabs

Much of the information about the opportunity is organized in record tabs, which group similar details.

For instance, all of the contacts associated with the opportunity are listed on the Contacts tab and all tasks associated with the opportunity appear on the Tasks tab.

Note: If you make changes on any windows accessed from the opportunity record tabs, you must save the opportunity in order for your changes on the record tabs to take effect. If you close the record without saving changes, your changes are lost.

Opportunities include these record tabs. Click a tab to see what information is listed and what your options are.

  • Details tab—Contains fields related to opportunity competitor data, completion data, win/loss data, and other general data. Use the fields on this tab to collect additional information about an opportunity, which is beneficial for reporting purposes. See Edit Details Tab Information.
  • Contacts tab—Lists the contacts associated with the opportunity, including the primary contact and all secondary contacts. From the Contacts tab, you can add a new or existing contact to the opportunity, open a contact for editing, copy a contact, print contact information, remove a contact, send email to the contact, or set the contact’s role in the opportunity. The Contacts tab displays a number in parentheses to show how many contacts are associated with the opportunity. See Add or Edit Contact Information.
  • Notes tab—Stores internal information about the opportunity. Notes are never sent to customers. You can add, edit, or remove notes that originated by phone, fax, post, web form, or email for any opportunity based on the type of correspondence you had with a contact or organization. And you can view the notes by opportunity, contact, organization, or by any combination of the three. See Add or Edit a Note for an Opportunity.
  • Tasks tabTasks tab—Lists all of the tasks associated with an opportunity. You can add, open, copy, delete, print, and forward tasks and mark tasks complete. Tasks can be assigned to an opportunity based on the opportunity’s sales stage, or they can be manually assigned and associated with an opportunity by another staff member. The Tasks tab displays a number in parentheses to show how many tasks are associated with the opportunity. See Add or Edit a Task for an Opportunity.
  • Quotes tab—Contains all quotes associated with the opportunity. From this tab you can open, create, copy, delete, print, and send quotes to prospective and current customers. (An opportunity can contain multiple quotes, but all of the quotes are directly associated with the opportunity you are currently editing.) The Quotes tab displays a number in parentheses to show how many quotes are associated with the opportunity. See Add a Quote to an Opportunity.
  • Attachments tab—Lists all files attached to the opportunity. For instance, if a customer forwards you a document that is associated with the opportunity, the Attachments tab provides a convenient location where you can store the document for retrieval. You can add, open, download, delete, and view the properties of file attachments from this tab.
  • Audit Log tab—Contains a permanent list of all actions associated with an opportunity, including the date of the action, who performed the action, what the action was, and a description of the action. This information is valuable for tracking interactions with customers, especially if more than one staff member works on the same opportunity.