How You Place Content on Dashboards

You can drag and drop the items from the dashboard designer’s reports explorer to the dashboard design surface.

You can customize the content added to the dashboard:
  • Choose where to place each item.

  • Determine how much content you want to display.

  • Use tabs to add additional content that might not fit on the dashboard's main page.
    Note: Each dashboard can have a maximum of fifty items placed on it.
There are five types of items you can add to dashboards:
  • Reports—Place reports on dashboards using drag and drop from the reports explorer. You can remove, replace or edit them at any time. See How You Place Reports on Dashboards.

  • Add-ins—Access any installed add-ins from the dashboard from the Components > Add-ins folder. You can drag and drop them to the dashboard. See Overview of Add-Ins.

  • Notifications—Staff members can receive notifications on their dashboards to alert them of events, such as an incident has been assigned to them. You can drag and drop notifications to the dashboard from the Components > Common folder. See Notifications.

  • Infolets—An infolet provides a brief overview of data pertaining to service performance, such as incident assignments and incident backlog. Infolets can also be used by managers who need to get a quick view of information about data. You can drag and drop infolets to the dashboard from the Public Reports > Service folder.
    Note: Use the Agent Overview and Service Overview dashboards to monitor agent performance and contact-center status. These dashboards will help you understand infolets, and how you can use them in your custom dashboards. When creating custom infolet dashboards, it is recommended to use the Infolet auto format style.
  • Web browser—Add a web browser to a dashboard to allow staff members to access any web page displayed in the dashboard parameters. You can drag and drop the Web Browser-Component to the dashboard from the Public Reports > Common folder. You can then specify a default URL in the dashboard's parameters. See How You Specify Dashboard Search Defaults.