Contact Workspace Record Tabs

From an open contact record, you can view all opportunities, notes, tasks, incidents, surveys, marketing activity, and attachments associated with the contact. You can also view the audit log, which lists all actions taken on the contact record.

  • Opportunities—Lists all opportunities associated with the contact. The tab contains the number of opportunities associated with the contact in parentheses next to the tab name. For each opportunity, the tab displays the opportunity name, the staff person it is assigned to, status, stage, the sales representative and manager forecasts, and the date it was last updated. You can open, copy, delete, print, forward, and reject an opportunity by clicking a button on the tab’s toolbar or by right-clicking the opportunity and making your selection. See Overview of Opportunities.
  • Notes—Contains all notes associated with the contact. Notes can be viewed and selected by contact or organization and sorted by date. Remember that customers never see the notes added by staff members. See Add a Contact.
  • Tasks—Lists all tasks associated with the contact. The tab contains the number of tasks associated with the contact in parentheses next to the tab name. For each task, the tab displays the task name, due date, completion date, the staff member assigned to the task, and priority. You can open, copy, delete, print, and forward any task and mark tasks complete by clicking a button on the tab’s toolbar or by right-clicking the task and making your selection.
  • Incidents—Lists all incidents associated with the contact. The tab contains the number of incidents associated with the contact in parentheses next to the tab name. For each incident, the tab displays status, time beyond the response threshold, time beyond the resolution threshold, source, reference number, and subject. You can open, copy, delete, print, forward, and propose an incident as an answer by clicking a button on the tab’s toolbar or by right-clicking it and making your selection. See Incident Creation.
  • Surveys—Contains all survey activity associated with the contact. The tab contains the number of surveys associated with the contact in parentheses next to the tab name. For each survey, the tab displays when the customer completed the survey, the survey score, and the type and name of the survey. The Action column allows you to view the contact’s response. See Overview of Surveys.
  • Outreach Activity—Contains all outreach activity associated with the contact, such as mailings that were viewed or tracked links that were clicked. The Outreach Activity tab contains the number of mailings associated with the contact in parentheses next to the tab name. The tab displays when the activity occurred, what the activity was, a description of the activity, the name of the mailing, and any documents for each listed activity. See Overview of Mailings.
  • Attachments—Lists all attachments associated with the contact. The tab displays the file name, size, date created, date updated, and a description for each attachment. See Overview of the Attachments Tab.
  • Audit Log—Lists all actions taken on the contact record by you, other staff members, and the customer. It also displays any automatic changes initiated by B2C Service that resulted from the application of business rules or through configuration settings. See Audit Logs.
Note: Your administrator may add additional tabs to a custom contact workspace assigned to your profile. The Role Sets View control can be added to a custom contact workspace to define Community Self Service roll sets for the contact.