How to View Registered Products on the Customer Portal

When you added product registration files, a modified template file (standard.php) was included. The modified template contains an option on the Your Account drop-down list for Registered Products.

The product registration files also include an updated Account Overview page with a new Registered Products section.

Note: If you migrated your Customer Portal to the current version from an earlier framework version and implemented product registration before deciding you want to revert to the earlier version, the Registered Products section remains on the Account Overview page and will display all registered products available on the site. To prevent this from occurring, edit the reverted overview.php file to remove the RegisteredProducts div class section.

When logged-in customers select the Registered Products option on the Your Account tab or click the See All Registered Products link on the Account Overview page, a list of products registered to the customer opens. This page is generated by the /account/assets/list.php file.

Your customers can search their registered products on this page by any combination of product, status, and keyword.

Clicking a registered product opens the Registered Product details page. This page displays information about the product as well as any associated incidents. It also includes links that let customers edit the product or go to the Ask a Question page.

Clicking the Edit Registered Product link opens the Update Registered Product page, where your customers can edit the product name and status and add or edit the installed and retired dates.