Add a Custom Tab to Mailings

Custom tabs give you quick access to elements you use frequently in your mailings.

For example, if you use images in your mailings, you could add a tab with a URL link to the place where your images are stored. Likewise, if you use a web-based email deliverability tool (or any other type of web-based program), you could link to those programs.

You can also use merge fields in your custom tab to include attributes of the mailing in query string parameters or URL redirect links. See Insert a Text Merge Field and Edit Redirect to URL Attributes. Custom tabs display after the Results tab on the mailings editor.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Site Configuration, and then double-click Configuration Settings.
    The Search window opens.
  3. Clear the Select All check box under Folders, select the RightNow User Interface check box, and click Search.
    The Configuration Settings editor opens.
  4. Double-click the MAILING_EDITOR_TABS setting in RightNow User Interface/Miscellaneous/General to open the setting on the content pane.
    Tip: To display configuration settings in alphabetical order, click in the Key column header.
  5. To add a URL link to your custom tab, enter the label name and the associated link in the Value field using the following syntax: (tab("<label name>",<URL>))
  6. To add a merge field, enter the following sample code in the Value field: (tab("Revenue",$mailing.mailing_id))
  7. To add more than one custom tab, press Enter to begin a separate line, and repeat steps 5 and 6.
  8. Click Save.


Your custom tab displays next to the Results tab on every new and existing mailing after you log out and then log back in.