Add or Edit a Profile

Use this procedure to add or edit a profile.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Staff Management, and then double-click Profiles.
    The report opens on the content pane, listing the profiles that have already been created.
    Tip: If a profile already exists that is similar to the profile you want to create, you can copy the existing profile and edit the copy to create the new profile.
  3. To add a profile, click New.
  4. To edit an existing profile, double-click the profile.
  5. Enter the name of the profile in the Name field.
    When you move to another field on the content pane, the name you type is automatically added to the Label field.
  6. From the Interfaces section, select the check boxes next to the interfaces you want the profile to access under the Access column.
  7. If your site has multiple interfaces, click the interface you want to configure the profile for. The permissions granted for the first interface you configure are also granted for all other interfaces the profile can access.
  8. Click Search under the Navigation Set column to specify the navigation set you want to use for the profile.
    1. Select the navigation set from the list.
    2. Click OK.
  9. To allow the staff accounts associated with the profile to customize their navigation set, select Customize Navigation Sets check box.
  10. By default, standard workspaces are selected in new profiles. To assign custom workspaces or workflows to the profile, click the Search icon next to the workspace you want to change. The Workspaces / Workflows window opens.
    1. Select the workspace you want to use.
    2. Click OK.
    Note: If you do not assign a workspace to a browser editor slot, the workspace or workflow from the non-browser editor will be used. If the non-browser editor row is blank, the standard desktop console workspace will be used.
  11. To grant access to add-ins that are installed on the site, click the Agent Desktop Add-Ins tab.
    Note: Options on this tab are active when add-ins are installed using the Add-in Manager.
    1. To let staff members with this profile install add-ins on their workstations without uploading the add-in to the server, select Developer Access.

      This option lets developers test add-ins without the add-ins being downloaded to other staff members’ workstations. Add-ins must be placed in subdirectories of the %APPDATA%/RightNow_Technologies/your_site/version/Users/profile_number/AddIns directory. Each add-in must be contained in a separate subdirectory.

    2. To let staff members with this profile use add-ins, select the check boxes next to the add-ins they can access.
  12. To grant access to Agent Browser UI extensions that are installed on the site, click the Agent Browser UI Extensions tab.
    Note: Options on this tab are active when extensions are installed using the Add-in Manager.
    1. To let staff members with this profile use extensions, select the check boxes next to the extensions they can access.
  13. To grant access to installer options, click the Deployment tab.
  14. To change the automatic logout setting for staff members with this profile, click the Other tab and enter a value (in minutes) in the Session Timeout field.
  15. To set the .NET browser control to run in IE11 emulation mode rather than the default IE7 mode, click the Other tab and select the Set Browser Controls to use IE11 emulation mode check box. Contact your Oracle account manager to enable this option if you are a new customer.
    A warning message appears indicating that this option will change the registry key of the user’s computer so .NET browser controls in the B2C Service application will use IE11 emulation mode, and that the option should be thoroughly tested before used in production. Click Yes to continue with this option. Agents must log out and log in again for the registry key to be set.
    Note: If the Set Browser Controls to use IE11 emulation mode check box has been previously selected, but is cleared, a warning will be shown indicating that once set, the registry will need to be manually cleared.

    In addition, the Open Pop-ups in New Browser Control and Send URL as Post Data options in workspaces should be cleared, and No Application should be selected.

  16. To grant permissions to the profile, click Permissions.
    The Profiles Permissions editor opens displaying a number of tabs.
    Note: See Set Profile Permissions to learn about the tabs, and how to use the available options to assign permissions to a profile.
  17. To view an audit log of changes made to the profile, click Audit Log.
  18. To add notes to the profile, click Notes.
  19. Click Save.
    The profile is saved.
    Note: You can delete a profile if you don't need it. However, you can't delete a profile, if the profile has any account associated with it.