Apply a Campaign Template

Outreach provides several predefined templates as a starting point for creating your campaign flow diagram. When you choose a template, the elements and connectors associated with that template are added to your diagram.

You can add and remove elements to further customize your campaign. You then open each element to assign its attributes and configure it to meet your business needs.

  1. From the Template group of the Insert tab, hover over each template button to see a preview on the content pane.
    A tooltip displays a description of the template.
    • Ad Conversion—This template updates a contact submitted through a web form to create a lead if the contact is interested in the promotion. See Ad Conversion.
    • Email Promotion—This template sends a broadcast email and actions are taken based on a contact’s level of interest. See Email Promotion.
    • Event Registration—This template sends an invitation to an event and uses a web form for registration. See Event Registration.
    • Information Request—This template is used to gather information about contacts through a questionnaire. See Information Request.
    • Subscription Management—This template allows contacts to update their subscription preferences. See Subscription Management.
  2. Click a template button to add the template to the canvas.
    A message opens warning you that selecting a template overwrites the existing content on the canvas.
  3. Click OK.
    The template is inserted in the diagram.
  4. Double-click each element to edit its attributes.
  5. Click Save.