Create a Campaign

Outreach provides an intuitive graphical interface for creating and editing campaigns. When designing a campaign, you can drag components from the toolbox and order them on the canvas. You can select components from either the Home or Insert tab on the ribbon.

You can also define the objectives for the campaign by including a text summary and estimating expenses and return on investment. After the campaign has been launched, you can view its results to assess the effectiveness of your efforts.

Note: The following procedure assumes that you access the Campaigns explorer from the Campaigns navigation list. However, this explorer may reside in a different navigation list.
  1. Click Campaigns on the navigation pane and double-click Campaigns Explorer.
    The Campaigns explorer opens on the content pane.
  2. Click New to select a starting point for your new campaign.
    1. Click Blank Campaign to open a new campaign with a blank design canvas.
    2. To create a new campaign by copying the design of an existing campaign, click Choose Existing Campaign. See Choose an Existing Design.
    3. To create a new campaign by copying a campaign template, click Choose a Campaign Template. See Apply a Campaign Template.
    Tip: By default, the design canvas is active when creating a campaign. From here, you can design the campaign flow diagram. See Create a Campaign Flow Diagram.
  3. To manage campaign details, including assignment, start and end dates, and objectives, click Details from the Display group on the ribbon. See Set Campaign Details.
  4. To view the campaign results, click Results from the Display group on the ribbon. See View Campaign Results.
    Note that this report will display no data until the campaign has been launched.
  5. To add tasks to the campaign, click Tasks from the Display group on the ribbon. See Add a Task to a Campaign.
  6. Click Save.
    The Save As window opens where you can select the folder you want to save the campaign in and enter the name of the campaign in the Name field.
  7. Click Save.