Delete a Contact

This procedure describes how to delete a contact.

Caution: Deleting contact records can affect other staff members within your organization. This action permanently removes not only the contacts from the knowledge base, but also all incidents for which the contact is the primary contact. Opportunities can also be deleted, so you must understand the consequences of deleting contacts before doing so. See What Happens When You Delete a Contact for specific results of deleting contacts.

Staff members with the Bulk Delete permission enabled can delete up to 1000 contact records at a time. See Administration Permissions and the REST API for Oracle B2C Service guide on the Oracle Help Center. Transactions associated with those contacts are deleted asynchronously. Purging transactions is controlled by data lifecycle management policies. See Data Lifecycle Management.

  1. Right-click a contact and select Delete.
    A message asks you to confirm that you want to delete the contact.
  2. Click Yes.
    Tip: If you want to delete a contact but do not want to delete the incidents and opportunities associated with that contact, you can specify different contacts for the incidents and opportunities before you delete the original contact. See Reassociate the Contact with an Incident or Reassociate the Contact with an Opportunity.