Edit an Oracle-Managed Service Mailbox

We recommend using Oracle-managed Service mailboxes because of several inherent advantages, including easy setup, faster and more reliable email processing, and reliability.

Oracle-managed Service mailboxes are mailboxes that Oracle initially configures for you by defining crucial incoming email settings. You can customize Oracle-managed Service mailbox settings that let you brand your mailbox, but settings that control the essential functions of incoming email processing are read-only. This eliminates any risk of those settings being misconfigured. Because Oracle handles these settings for you, you can be certain that your mailbox has been set up correctly. For more information on the order in which Oracle handles your incoming email, see Answer ID 12282.

Oracle-managed Service mailboxes give you the following benefits.

  • Easy setup—Oracle configures crucial incoming email settings for you, such as enabling incoming email and defining your Pop Server, POP Account, and Password fields.
  • Faster and more reliable email processing—Techmail has been designed to handle large volumes of messages through parallel message processing, which ultimately enables your staff to respond to incidents faster.
  • Reliability—Oracle monitors Oracle-managed Service mailboxes twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
Note: This procedure assumes that Oracle has already added an Oracle-managed Service mailbox for you. Oracle-managed Service mailboxes can be added from the B2C Service Configuration Assistant. For information on accessing the Configuration Assistant, see Answer ID 6354.
  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Site Configuration, and then double-click Mailboxes. The Mailboxes tree displays on the content pane with the primary interface expanded to display your existing mailboxes.
    1. To edit Oracle-managed Service mailboxes on additional interfaces, expand the additional interface for which you want to edit a mailbox.
  3. Select an Oracle-managed Service mailbox in the tree.
    The outgoing email settings display on the editor.Oracle-managed Service mailboxes display only if one, or more, has been added to your site. Oracle-managed Service mailboxes can be added from the B2C Service Configuration Assistant.
  4. Enter the following field information to enable mailbox functionality.
    Note: For Oracle-managed Service mailboxes, the Incoming Email Enable field is read-only. However, this field can be edited from the B2C Service Configuration Assistant.

    Mailboxes Editor

    Field/Button Description
    Name Enter the mailbox name in this field.

    For Oracle-managed Service mailboxes, this field, which can be edited, is set to the name that was designated when Oracle initially added the mailbox to your site.

    Outgoing Email Enable Select this check box to enable the mailbox to send outgoing email. When this check box is cleared, the mailbox cannot send outgoing email and agents cannot respond to incidents associated with this mailbox. The default is enabled.
    Incoming Email Enable Select this check box to enable the mailbox to receive incoming email. The default is enabled.

    For Oracle-managed Service mailboxes, this check box has been selected for you and is read-only.

    Default Select this check box to set this mailbox as the default mailbox for the interface. You must designate one mailbox as the default. For Service mailboxes, after designating this mailbox as the default Service mailbox, the mailbox name will then display in the Mailbox field on the Details tab of the agent’s incident workspace. This lets your agents easily associate incidents with the correct mailbox when responding to customers. See Add Incident Information on the Details Tab.
    Note: This check box is selected by default for general Service and Outreach mailboxes, but not for Oracle-managed Service mailboxes. When the Default check box is selected, it becomes disabled and cannot be cleared. You must set another mailbox as the default, and then save your changes in order to clear this check box.
  5. Enter the following field information to configure outgoing email for this mailbox.

    Outgoing Email Settings

    Field Description
    Envelope From/Bounce Address Enter the email address that is used as the return path for bounced emails. For Oracle-managed Service mailboxes, this field is set to the email address that was designated when Oracle initially added the mailbox to your site. The value in this field displays as the From address in the outgoing email unless the Friendly From/Branded Address field is defined. See Email Bounce Handling.
    Tip: To ensure that your bounced emails process correctly, we recommend using the email address provided when your account was set up. For example, a typical Oracle-managed Service or general Service mailbox would be “example@mail.custhelp.com.” A typical Outreach mailbox would be “example@mail.rnmk.com.”
    Friendly From/ Branded Address Use this optional field to brand your email message. If you use this field, this is the email address your recipients will see in the email you send. For example, if you want the email address that displays to your recipients to be different from the email address defined in the Envelope From/Bounce Address, enter the address the way you want it to appear in this field.

    If you define an email address in this field, it displays as the From address in the outgoing email.

    Reply-To Address Typically, the reply-to address is the same as the address specified in the Envelope From/Bounce Address field, but you can use this optional field if you want customers to send their responses to a different email address. For Oracle-managed Service mailboxes, this field is set to the email address that was designated when Oracle initially added the mailbox to your site. The Reply-To Address field must contain a valid email address in order to receive messages. If the Reply-To Address field is not defined, then either the Envelope From/Bounce Address or the Friendly From/Branded Address is used as the default email address.
    Caution: If you use incidents, the Reply-To Address must match the Envelope From/Bounce Address unless your own mail administrator has set up SMTP forwarding for this address to automatically forward to the Envelope From/Bounce Address. See Answer ID 1272.
    Display Name Enter the name you want to appear on outgoing messages as the sender. For example, Global Wireless Customer Service.
  6. To enter incoming email information, click Incoming Email on the ribbon.
  7. Enter the following field information to configure incoming email for this mailbox.
    Note: For Oracle-managed Service mailboxes, the POP Server, POP Account, and Password fields are read-only. However, this field can be edited from the B2C Service Configuration Assistant. For information on accessing the Configuration Assistant, see Answer ID 6354.

    Incoming Email Settings

    Field Description
    POP Server Enter the address or IP address of the POP server. For example, the POP server for jsmith@mail.custhelp.com would be “mail.custhelp.com.”

    For Oracle-managed Service mailboxes, this field has been set up for you and is read-only.

    Note: To ensure that your bounced emails and replies process correctly, you must use the POP server configuration provided when your account was set up.
    POP Account Enter the account name of the mailbox. For example, the account name for jsmith@mail.custhelp.com would be “jsmith.”

    For Oracle-managed Service mailboxes, this field has been set up for you and is read-only.

    Note: To ensure that your bounced emails and replies process correctly, you must use the POP account configuration provided when your account was set up.
    Password Enter the password of the mailbox.

    For Oracle-managed Service mailboxes, this field has been set up for you and is read-only.

    Send Rejected Messages To Enter an email address to send all rejected messages to, including all bounced and returned messages and automatic responses. This can help you determine why a message has been rejected so you can take action to resolve the issue if necessary.
    Discard Automatic Responses Select an option from this drop-down list to determine the level of automatic response filtering.
    You can define the levels of automatic response filtering by setting values for the following configuration settings:

    Default values are blank. See How You Customize Configuration Settings.

    Off Select this option to turn off automatic response filtering. All automatic responses received by the mailbox are turned into incidents.
    Conservative Select this option to activate conservative response filtering.

    The value of “conservative” is defined by the value of the configuration setting EGW_AR_CONS_BODY_FLTR. Default is blank.

    Moderate Select this option to activate moderate response filtering.

    The value of “moderate” is defined by the value of the configuration setting EGW_AR_MODR_BODY_FLTR. Default is blank.

    Aggressive Select this option to activate aggressive response filtering.

    The value of “aggressive” is defined by the value of the configuration setting EGW_AR_AGGR_BODY_FLTR. Default is blank.

    Message Pull Limit Enter the maximum number of email messages to pull from the mailbox during a Techmail run. The remaining messages are left on the POP server until the next time Techmail runs. The default pull limit is 5,000 messages.

    Messages that are filtered are not counted toward this limit. Only emails that create incidents are counted. For example, if Message Pull Limit is set to 100 and the mailbox contains 200 messages, but 50 of them are filtered by rules, Techmail pulls 100 of the remaining messages from the mailbox and leaves 50 for future processing.

    Max Attachment Size Enter the maximum size, in number of bytes, allowed for file attachments.

    The default maximum size is 5,000,000 bytes (5MB).

    Tip: Because this feature is designed to support incident-based work processes and is not intended to serve as a large format file repository, we recommend keeping this value low. While there is no upper limit to the value you may specify, several external factors determine the actual size limitation of files that may be received. See Answer ID 280 on our support site.
    Maximum Description Size Enter the maximum size, in bytes, allowed for the incident description. If an email exceeds this limit, it is added to the incident as a file attachment and a small thread entry refers agents to the attached file. The default value is 250,000.
    Force Reply Between Lines Select this check box to require that customers enter their reply between the two line markers included in an incident response email. When customers reply between these lines, Techmail separates their reply from the quoted response text and adds it as a new thread.
    • If this check box is selected and customers do not reply between the lines, an incident thread is not created from their reply. Another email is sent automatically to request that they reply between the lines.
    • If this check box is not selected and customers do not reply between the lines, Techmail looks for block-quoted text indicators to find the customer’s reply.

    See Email Reply Processing.

    Delete Bulk Messages Clear this check box to turn bulk messages into incidents. By default, this box is selected to delete bulk email. An email is considered bulk when the Precedence: header is set to bulk, junk, or list.
    Delete Returned Messages Clear this check box to turn returned messages into incidents. By default, this check box is selected to delete returned email. An email is considered to be returned when the From address begins with postmaster or mailer_daemon, or if the MIME type is Multipart/Report.

    This option is not available for Outreach mailboxes.

    Note: The EGW_SECURE_UPDATE_MODE configuration setting affects the handling of returned messages.
    Discard Filters Select from any of the following filters to discard all incoming email with the specified characteristics.
    Caution: To prevent unintended behavior, do not add hard returns to create blank lines within any of the discard filters.
    Addresses Enter the email addresses you do not want to receive email from. Separate entries in the list with commas. Do not add hard returns within this filter. An asterisk (*) may be used as a wildcard to match any characters. For example, to discard all email from jsmith@example.com and all example.org addresses, enter:


    Headers Click this tab and enter any strings found in any header that identifies email you want to discard. Enter each entry on a separate line using up to 4,000 characters. Do not add hard returns within this filter. The text comparison is not case sensitive. For example, to discard all email with any header line referencing a specific IP address or any email with the custom header of X-BulkPrecedence, enter:



    Subject Click this tab and enter any text found in an email subject line that identifies email you want to discard. Enter each entry on a separate line. Do not add hard returns within this filter. The text comparison is not case sensitive. For example, to discard all email with the following text in the subject line, enter:

    Mortgage rates

    Marketing solution

    Bargain alert

    Body Click this tab and enter any text found in an email body that identifies email you want to discard. Enter each entry on a separate line using up to 4,000 characters. Do not add hard returns within this filter. The text comparison is not case sensitive. For example, to discard all email with the following text in the body, enter:

    Be your own boss

    If you do not wish to receive further mailings

    To unsubscribe

    MIME Type Click this tab and enter a list of attachment types you will not accept in MIME format (type/subtype). The major MIME types are application, audio, image, message, model, multipart, text, and video. Separate entries in the list with commas or new lines. Do not add hard returns within this filter. An asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard to match any characters. For example, to exclude MPEG video attachments, GIF images, and all audio formats, enter:

    video/mpeg, image/gif, audio/*

    This filter blocks only matching file attachments. The remaining contents of the email continue to process.

    File Types Click this tab and enter a list of attachment types you will not accept based on the file name extension. Separate entries in the list with commas or new lines. Do not add hard returns within this filter. Specific file names can be specified, or an asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard to match any characters. For example, to exclude all executable files, screen savers, and any script titled worm.vbs, enter:

    *.exe, *.scr, worm.vbs

    This filter blocks only matching file attachments. The remaining contents of the email continue to process.

  8. To enter security settings, click Security on the ribbon and see Email Security Features.
  9. To view the mailbox configuration audit log, click Audit Log on the ribbon.
  10. Click Save.