Forward a Record

There might be times when you need to forward an incident, opportunity, task, or asset. For example, you might need information from another staff member before you can reply to a customer’s incident. Or maybe you need to forward an opportunity for review and approval.

When you forward a record, you can forward any files that are attached to the record, send response files, and add comments. You can also customize how the forwarded information displays. See How You Customize Messages. If you are adding a record instead of editing an existing one, you must first save the record before you can forward it.
  1. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click a record in a report and select Forward. The Forward window opens.
    • With a record selected in a report, click Forward.
    • With a record open, click Forward.
  2. Enter field information.

    Forward Window

    Field/Button Description
    To ...* Click this button to open the Select Names window. Select the name of the recipient and click To to insert the name in the field. (To select additional recipients, press Ctrl while making your selections.) After selecting the recipient, click OK on the Select Names window. See Select a Recipient.

    You can also enter the email address of the recipient in the text field.

    Cc ... Click this button to open the Select Names window, select the recipient’s name, and click Cc.

    All recipients are able to see the email addresses in the Cc field.

    Bcc ... Click this button to open the Select Names window, select the recipient’s name, and click Bcc.

    No recipients are able to see the email addresses in the Bcc field.

    Subject The subject for the incident, opportunity, task, or asset appears in this field.
    Send Contact Information Select this check box to send the primary contact information with the record. The information that is sent includes the contact’s email address, first and last names, contact type, title, any phone numbers that have been entered, and any custom field information.

    This check box appears only if you are forwarding an incident.

    Exclude Notes Select this check box to exclude any notes in the incident thread from being forwarded with the incident.

    This check box appears only if you are forwarding an incident. If this check box is selected, the changes are retained when forwarding other incidents.

    Incident Files Files that are attached to an incident you are forwarding are listed in this field. Select the check box next to any file you want to forward with the incident.

    This field is not visible when forwarding opportunities, tasks, or assets or if no files are attached to the incident.

    Opportunity Files Files that are attached to the opportunity are listed in this field. Select the check box next to any file you want to forward with the opportunity.

    This field is not visible when forwarding incidents, tasks, or assets or if no files are attached to the opportunity.

    Task Files Files that are attached to the task are listed in this field. Select the check box next to any file you want to forward with the task.

    This field is not visible when forwarding incidents, opportunities, or assets or if no files are attached to the task.

    Files Click Add Files and select Browse or Search to attach files to the email containing the forwarded record. See Browse for a File to Attach to a Record or Search for a File to Attach to a Record.

    Files added in this field are not added to the record.

    Comment Enter any comments you want to forward with the record in this field.

    Text entered in the Comment field will display as the body of the email that is sent to recipients.

    S/MIME Select one or both of the security options under S/MIME.
    Sign Select this check box to sign the email with the mailbox signature.

    The Sign check box is enabled only if the outgoing email is sent from a mailbox that has a private key and certificate associated with it. See How SMIME Security Works.

    Do not encrypt Click this drop-down list and select one of the encryption options.
    • Do Not Encrypt
    • Encrypt When Possible
    • Always Encrypt.

    Encryption is supported if a destination email address has a public key associated with it.

    Tip: If you want to retain a copy of the record you forward, enter your email address in the Cc or Bcc field. This will let you reference comments and any attachments to the record you forwarded to the recipient.
  3. Click Send.