Open the Workspaces Explorer

The Workspaces explorer is used to access and manage all of the workspaces on your site. With this explorer, you can browse, search, and organize workspaces in hierarchical folders on the content pane using functions similar to Windows Explorer.

Initially, the explorer lists only the Standard folder containing the standard workspaces. The folder is read-only and the standard workspaces cannot be opened, edited, or deleted—they exist mainly to be selected in staff profiles. However, you can copy standard workspaces to use as the basis for creating your own custom workspaces. See Create a Workspace.

Listed next to each workspace name is its workspace type, based on the type of record it opens. The workspace type determines which fields and controls can be added to the workspace. For example, the Incident workspace type provides access to controls and database fields that are related to incidents. In addition, some workspace types are multi-edit, meaning they are used when staff members open multiple records of the same record type at the same time (up to 250 records can be edited at once). This lets you display one workspace when staff members open a single record and display a different workspace when they edit multiple records of the same type simultaneously.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Application Appearance, and double-click Workspaces. The Workspaces explorer opens on the content pane.
    Note: If desktop workflows are enabled on your site, you will see Workspaces/Workflows listed under Application Appearance instead. See Create a Desktop Workflow. To enable desktop workflows, contact your Oracle account manager.
  3. To display the list of standard workspaces, click the Standard folder in the tree under Workspaces.