Schedule a Report

You can set up reports to run on a specified schedule.

Before you start

The Create/Edit Schedules Analytics profile permission must be enabled to create or edit schedules.

Here's what to do

  1. Open the Scheduling window (for standard reports) or Schedules window (for custom reports).
    1. To schedule a standard report, right-click the report and select Edit. The Scheduling window displays on the left side of the content pane, and displays information about any schedules for the report that have been created.
    2. To schedule a custom report, right-click the report and select Edit. Click the Home tab, and then click Scheduling. The Schedules window opens, showing schedules that have been created for the report.
  2. Click Add Schedule.
    The New Schedule window opens.
  3. Enter a name for the new schedule in the Name field.
    The name should clearly identify the purpose of the schedule. When creating a schedule to publish a report, the report that's created in the destination folder is given the name you specify in the Name field.
  4. Specify the email recipient (unless using the Published format), using one of the following methods:
    • Enter the email addresses the scheduled report email should be sent to in the To field. Separate addresses with semicolons.
    • Click To. The Select Recipients opens where you can add staff members, groups, and distribution lists to the schedule. See Select a Recipient.
    Note: Emails sent for scheduled reports automatically hide the other recipients’ email addresses in the email header.
  5. Enter a subject for the scheduled report email in the Subject field.
  6. Enter any text you want to include in the body of the scheduled report email in the Comment field.
  7. Select the format of the report from the Format drop-down list.

    Scheduled Report Format Options

    Format Description

    HTML Attachment (Images/Charts stored on the server)

    Select this option to send the report in an HTML file attached to an email. Images and charts displayed in the report are stored on the server, letting recipients who have access to the server view them.

    HTML Email (Images/Charts stored on server)

    Select this option to send the report as an HTML email. Images and charts displayed in the report are stored on the server, letting recipients who have access to the server view them.

    HTML Email (Images/Charts sent in email)

    Select this option to send the report as an HTML email that includes the report’s images and charts. This lets recipients who do not have access to the server view the report’s graphics.

    Excel Attachment (Images/Charts unavailable)

    Select this option to send the report output in an Excel file attached to an email. The file does not include the report’s images or charts.

    Comma Delimited Attachment (Images/Charts unavailable)

    Select this option to send the report output in a comma-delimited text file attached to an email. The file does not include the report’s images. or charts.

    XML Attachment (Images/Charts unavailable)

    Select this option to send the report output in an XML file attached to an email. The file does not include the report’s images. or charts.

    Image Attachment

    Select this option to send an image of the report in a file attached to an email. This lets recipients view the report as it displays in the console, but does not let them work with data.

    PDF Attachment

    Select this option to send the report in a PDF file attached to an email. This option includes images and charts.

    Non-English characters may not display correctly when sent as a PDF attachment. We recommend instead using an HTML format for such reports.


    Select this option to publish the report at the scheduled time. See How You Publish Reports.
    Note: The Published format does not require email information.

    Compressed CSV File

    Select this option to send the report in a compressed CSV file attached to an email. The recipient can then open the file using third-party software. Images and charts aren't available when using this option.

    Since this option reduces the amount of processing required to run the report, you can send reports that return up to 100MB of data. Without this option, reports can return a maximum of 10,000 rows.

    There are restrictions on the reports that can be sent to CSV files since not all reports are appropriate for such files.

    • The report cannot contain custom scripts.
    • The report cannot contain comparison columns.
    • The report cannot contain date grouping columns.
    • The report’s rows must return unique records, such as information about specific incidents, answers, or contacts.
    • The first column in the report must be sorted in ascending order and must output data stored in a primary key database column. For instance, the first column could output incident ID numbers or contact ID numbers, and be sorted in ascending order. This restriction helps the data queries more quickly process reports since they use primary keys.

    This option isn't available for reports that do not meet these requirements.

    When sending a large CSV file in an email, the file size limits configured on the recipient’s mail server may prevent delivery of the file. If you have this issue, you can queue the report to save it in a CSV file instead. See Overview of Queuing Reports.

    This option isn't available when scheduling dashboards.

    Send Report to Report Queue for Delivery as a CSV File.

    When you select this option, the report is queued at the scheduled time. However, instead of being sent as an email attachment, the CSV file is accessed in the report queue. You can access the queued report from toast notifications or the My Queued Reports standard report. See How You View Reports in the Queue.

  8. To select the folder in the Reports explorer where you want published reports sent, click the Destination Folder drop-down list and select the folder you want as your destination. This drop-down list is available only when you select the Published format. See How You Publish Reports.
  9. From the Run Report As drop-down list, select the staff account you would use if the report was run manually. This lets you specify which account should be used in reports that use the “logged in” filter value.

    Since the time zone used in the report depends on the account that runs the report, this impacts the times shown in the report. For example, if a staff member working in the Pacific time zone runs a report, the times shown in the report are adjusted to display in the Pacific time zone. See Add or Edit a Staff Account.

  10. Click the schedule time next to the Recurrence field. The Schedule Recurrence window opens. The underlined text displays the report’s current schedule. This is set to Every Day Every Hour by default.
  11. Enter field information.

    Schedule Recurrence Window

    Field Description

    Schedule Times

    Select the times of the day from this menu when the scheduled report should be sent. The available times include fifteen-minute intervals, so a report could be scheduled to send at 6:15 A.M. and 4:45 P.M.

    Every Hour

    Click this text to automatically select all the hourly check boxes.

    Clear All

    Click this text to clear all selected schedule time check boxes.

    Recurrence Pattern

    Select the weekly or monthly interval when the report should be sent. For example, a report could be sent every two weeks on Tuesday, or every month on the 7th and 19th.

    Clear All

    Click this text to clear all selected recurrence pattern check boxes.


    Select this option to display check boxes for the days of the month. You can then select the days of the month when the report should be sent.


    Select this option to display check boxes for each day of the week. You can then select the check boxes next to the days when you want the report to be sent.

    When you select this option, a Recur drop-down list displays where you can specify the frequency of the weekly report. For example, if you want the report sent every week on the days selected, enter 1 in the field. If you want the report to be sent every third week on the days selected, enter 3 in the field. This field accepts values from 1 to 99.

    Schedule Specific Months

    Click the Schedule Specific Months header to display check boxes for the months of the year. Select the months during which the scheduled report should be sent. By default, every month is selected, but if you do not want the report sent during a specific month, you can clear the check box for that month.

    Clear All

    Click this text to clear all check boxes for the selected months.

    Range of Recurrence

    Options in this section let you specify a date range during which the scheduled report is sent.


    Enter the start date of the schedule or click the Calendar button to open a calendar from which you can select the start date. The current day is the default start date.


    Enter the end date of the schedule or click the Calendar button to open a calendar from which you can select the end date.

  12. Click OK.
  13. To specify the values you want to use for the report’s filters and variables when the scheduled report is sent, click the underlined text next to Filter Values. The Search window opens where you can select the values for the report’s runtime filters to use when the scheduled report is automatically generated.
    If you do not specify filter values, the report’s default values are used. See Overview of Report Filters.
    Note: The Ordering feature isn't available when selecting filter options for scheduled reports.
  14. Click OK.
  15. To edit an existing schedule, click Edit next to the name of the schedule on the Scheduling or Schedules windows.
    The Edit Schedule window opens. The options in the window are identical to those in the New Schedule window.
  16. To delete an existing schedule, click Delete next to the name of the schedule on the Scheduling or Schedules windows.
    1. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.