Create and work with products

A product is a navigational end-point in your catalog, for example, a camera or a pair of shoes.

Once you have defined product types as described in Create and edit product types, you can use those types to create or import new products. This section describes how to work with products on the Commerce Catalog page. To learn how to import products into your catalog, see Import and Export Catalog Items and Inventory.

This section includes the following topics:

Create products

If a collection is selected when you create a product, the new product is automatically created in that collection. Otherwise, it is created in Unassigned Products. If the collection where you create a product is linked to other parents, the product will appear in all locations the collection is linked to. You cannot create products in the Storefront Navigation or Non-Navigable root collections. See Organize Products in Collections for more information.

This section describes how to create a new product. See Link and unlink collections and products to learn how to link an existing product to a collection.

To create a new product:

  1. On the Catalog page, click the New Product button and select New from the menu that appears.
  2. Select a product type and click Select.
  3. Enter values for the product’s properties.

    The properties you see depend on the product type you selected.

    See Understand the base product type for information about the default properties available to all products.

  4. Click Create.

Now you can create SKUs by combining the properties you entered. See Create and work with SKUs for more information. You can also add images. See Add images to products for more information.

Activate and deactivate products

By default, a newly-created product is not active, which means that none of the product’s SKUs are displayed on your store. You might want to deactivate a product if inventory is low or if the product will soon be discontinued.

Deactivating a product prevents it from appearing on your store or in search results but does not remove it from your environment. (See Delete products for information about permanently removing a product.) If you deactivate a product that is linked to more than one parent, Commerce deactivates it in all locations.

To deactivate a product:

  1. On the Catalog page, open the product you want to deactivate.
  2. On the General tab of the product details page, uncheck the Active setting and click Save.

Delete products

Deleting a product permanently removes the product and all its associated SKUs from Commerce. All price lists that included prices for the product’s SKUs are automatically updated. If you delete a product that is linked to more than one parent, Commerce deletes it in all locations.

Once you delete a product, you cannot retrieve it. Deleting a product might also affect orders and reports that include the product’s SKUs. An alternative to deleting a product is marking it as inactive so that it is no longer displayed. See Activate and deactivate products for more information.

Important: Deleting assets, such as products, catalogs, shipping methods, etc., can result in discrepancies in your system, which may produce errors. It is recommended that you disable assets instead of deleting.

To delete a product:

  1. On the Catalog page, select the product whose SKUs you want to delete.
  2. On the General tab, select SKUs and click Delete Selected SKUs.
  3. Confirm that you want to delete the SKUs.