Managing B2B dashboard widgets

You can manage the look of the home page and select what widgets to display.

Note: You can click Save layout to save any changes you make to the dashboard.

Adding widgets

You can add widgets to the dashboard based on your needs and the analytics data you want to review.

Learn more about B2B Dashboard widgets.

To add a widget to the dashboard:

  1. Click the navigation menu in the bottom-right corner Image of the application navigation button. Use it to access the different parts of CX Unity.
  2. Select Home.
  3. In the top-right corner, click + Add widget. Available widgets to add will display.
  4. Click Add An image of the add button. Use it to add a widget to the analytics dashboard. to select the type of widget to add: One time campaigns, Recurring campaigns, Comparative trends, or Top products.
  5. With the widget in edit mode, select the metrics to add to the widget and make any other necessary configurations. When done, click Apply.
  6. Add as many widgets as you need. When you have finished adding widgets, click Done.

You can rearrange the widget from the bottom of the page by dragging and dropping it to another position on the dashboard.

Removing widgets

Note: You cannot remove the Key metrics widget.

To remove a widget:

  1. Click the Action menu An image of the action menu button for the widget.
  2. Select Delete. A confirmation message will display.
  3. Confirm the deletion and click Delete.

Rearranging widgets

To rearrange a widget:

  1. Click and hold the widget name to select it.
  2. Drag and drop the widget where you want to place it.
  3. To save your changes, click Save layout.

Note: You can rearrange all widgets on the page with the exception of the Key metrics widget. However, you can rearrange individual metrics in the Key metrics widget by dragging and dropping them around the widget.

Editing widgets

You can edit the title, metrics, and time period options of widgets.

To edit the Key metrics widget:

  1. Click the customization gear An image of the Customize Key metrics icon. The Customize Key metrics window opens.
  2. Use the checkboxes to select the metrics to add to the widget. A minimum of six metrics must be selected and you can display a maximum of 12. Each metric has a full description. If needed, use the search field.
  3. When done, click Apply.

To edit the other widgets:

  1. Click the Action menu An image of the action menu button for the widget.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Make changes as necessary to the widget.

Widget title

Update the widget name. The widget title must be 1 or more characters, up to a maximum of 50. Use only letters (a–z and A–Z), numbers (0–9), underscores (_), hyphens (-), and spaces. The first character cannot be a space. The title cannot duplicate an existing widget title.

Metric type

Select the metrics to include in the widget. To see descriptions of metrics, review B2B Dashboard metrics.

Manage the time period options for the widget.

Time period

Manage the time period for the data in the widget.

  • Top Products: Last 7 days, Last 14 days, or Last 30 days.
  • Recurring campaigns: Last 7 days, Last 14 days, or Last 30 days.
  • Comparative Trends: Daily (last 14 days ) or Weekly (last 90 days).

Learn more

B2B Dashboard widgets

B2B Dashboard metrics

B2B Campaign performance

Analyzing B2B campaigns

analytics, metrics, open rate, click rate, click to open rate, contact count, bounce rate, targeted customers, revenue, orders, widget, analytics widget, adding a widget, moving a widget, deleting a widget, removing a widget, how to add a widget, how to move a widget, how to delete a widget, how to remove a widget