Data density

The data density figure represents the percentage of records that have values for an attribute. For example, if only half the total number of records in the Address data object have a non-null value populated for the State attribute, then the data density value for State is 50%.

Important: Data that is imported with the Near real-time API can't be used in calculating data density. To ensure that data is used calculating data density, use the Streaming API or an ingest job to import the data. Learn how to ingest data with the Streaming API from the Oracle Unity Developer Help Center.

How data density is calculated

Data density is calculated from two system jobs that run in Oracle Unity: The data warehouse job and the identity resolution job.

Data warehouse job

The Data warehouse job calculates data density values for attributes belonging to data objects such as Address or Order Item.

Identity resolution job

The identity resolution job calculates data density values for attributes belonging to Master entities such as Master Customer or Master Account.

Additional information for calculating data density

  • The appropriate system job (data warehouse or identity resolution) will calculate data density values the first time it runs and processes data for a data object or Master entity.
  • After calculating data density the first time, the appropriate system job will calculate and refresh data density values the subsequent nine times it runs and processes data for a data object or Master entity.
  • After the system job runs and processes data ten times for a data object or Master entity, data density values will be calculated and refreshed every seven days.

You can review data density values in the data model and on the segmentation canvas.

Data density in the data model

You can review the data density values of individual attributes in the data model.

To review data density values in the data model:

  1. Click the Oracle icon Image of the application navigation button. Use it to access the different parts of Oracle Unity. in the bottom-right corner to open the navigation menu.
  2. Select Data model.
  3. From the list of Data objects, select the object you want to review.
  4. An image of the list of data objects in the data model

  5. Click the Attributes tab.
  6. An image of the attributes section for a data object

  7. Review the Data density column.
  8. An image of the Data density column in the Data model

Data density on the segmentation canvas

When Creating segments, you want to ensure the attributes you use have a high data density value. We recommend a data density value of 90% or higher.

To review data density values on the segmentation canvas:

  1. Follow the steps for Creating segments.
  2. Click the My data tab.
  3. An image of the My data tab on the segmentation canvas

  4. Review the Density values.
  5. An image of data density values on the segmentation canvas

Learn more

Managing the Oracle Unity data model


jobs dashboard, system jobs, data warehouse, dw job, id resolution, publish, publish changes, address validation, address verification