Self-Classification Rules API

If you are a DMP client, you can implement the Oracle Data Cloud self-classification category and rule web services to independently classify the page and user attributes ingested from your site or classify your onboarded offline data. Classification is the process in which your data that has been transferred into the Oracle Data Cloud platform is collected and mapped to categories in your private taxonomy. Implementing the category and rule APIs enables you to create hierarchical categories within your taxonomy and write rules that define when an attribute (and user) get added to each category.

With the Rules API, you can create classification rules based on URLs and key-value pairs (phints) that map the user data extracted from your site with the categories you created with the Categories API.

Important: The Self-Classification Rules API will be deprecated in the near future and replaced with the Rules API. You should begin migrating to the Rules API to take advantage of its advanced features for creating and maintaining your classification rules.

Note: Users no longer create campaigns in the Oracle Data Cloud platform UI. The campaign workflow is now part of the audience workflow. The platform still uses campaigns to manage audience data delivery however. They are created automatically when a UI user delivers an audience. In the APIs, you create and use campaigns as before.

In this topic  

Explore the API

The embedded I/O doc below enables you to explore the API. The I/O  doc explains the parameters for each method and provides templates for your calls. You cannot make live API calls from the tool, however.

Open the link below in a new tab to see the I/O doc in a three-pane format.

For help with this API, contact My Oracle Support (MOS).

Service URI

The URI for the Rules API is:

Use cases

Bulk classification rule update

To configure multiple classification rules at the same time using the new bulk update feature:

  1. In the headers field, set the Content-Type to multipart/form-data and specify an encapsulation boundary parameter.

    headers = {"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data; boundary=a8d84ae2e7db4676843c7df172b68bfc","Accept": "application/json","User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/22.0"}

  2. In the PUT body, enter the opening encapsulation boundary.
  3. Set the Content-Disposition to form-data, and include a name parameter that is set to categoryRule, and an optional filename parameter.
  4. Set the Content-Type to text/tab-separated-values.
  5. Enter tab-separated values for the category to be created or updated. You must insert fields for any values that you do not specify.
  6. Enter the closing encapsulation boundary.

Example: Body of a bulk import PUT request that updates a phint-based rule and a URL-based rule

'''--a8d84ae2e7db4676843c7df172b68bfcContent-Disposition: form-data; name="ruleFile"; filename="Classification-Rules.tsv"Content-Type: text/tab-separated-values51315433344168myPhintRulephintcolor-is=blue:item-is=shirt51415415:15433280107:280106myURLRuleurl-exact,,'''

The following table lists the tab-separated values that can be included in the request:

Column Field Data type Description
1 id string Either the permanent ID of an existing rule or a temporary ID that you provide for a new rule you are creating (include one or more alphanumeric characters in the ID to avoid collisions with the IDs of existing rules)
2 site_ids list A colon-separated list of site IDs for which this rule is applicable
If you leave this field blank, the rule is applicable to all the site IDs in your seat.
3 category_ids list A colon-separated list category IDs for which this rule is applicable
4 name string A unique, descriptive name for the rule
The rule will be listed by this name in the Oracle Data Cloud platform UI. The name may be a maximum of 255 characters.
5 rule_type enum Enter one of the following values:
  • phint: Classify the user based on phints.
  • url-exact: Classify the user based on the specified site URL.
  • referrer-exact: Classify the user based on the specified referrer URL.
  • url-path: Classify the user based the specified site URL or any child pages under it.
  • referrer-path: Classify the user based on the specified referrer URL or any child pages under it.
6 rules list
  • phint-based rule: Enter a colon-separated list of rules using the following syntax: {key1}-operator={value1}:{key2}-operator-{value2}. The operator may be "is" (the phint value collected from your site must exactly match the value specified in the rule) or "contains" (the phint value collected from your site may match all or a part of the value specified in the rule).
  • URL-based rule: Enter a comma-separated list of URLs using the following syntax:,,

URL rules that include multibyte encodings

To create rules for URLs that include multibyte encodings, you must encode the percentage symbols (%) in the UTF-8 encoded characters. For example, to create a URL rule for https://www.マネジメント/site.html, convert マネジメント to UTF-8, which results in the following encoding:


Encode the percentage symbols in the UTF-8 encoding (convert each % symbol to %25), which results in the following encoding:


This results in the following encoded string:

See also: Percent-encoding

Bulk import demo

The Python code demonstrates how to do a bulk category import using the Rules API. To run this script, you must have the following:

You can use the pip package manager to help install the requests library. To download and install pip, install the requests library, and then delete the pip installation file, enter the following commands in your console:

curl -O
sudo python
sudo pip install requests

To run this script, you need to create a TSV file named self-classification-rules.tsv that contains the rules you want and provides the following parameters:

  • url: The URL of the production environment (
  • verbosity: Enter a series of four verbose options for printing information.
  • bkuid: Your web service user key
  • bksecretkey: Your web service private key

For details, see the sample_self-classification-rules.tsv template, which includes instructions for editing. Before using the sample TSV file, you must remove all text other than the lines that include your values and you must rename the file to self-classification-rules.tsv.

The following example demonstrates the required syntax for calling this script: --url -v -v -v -v --bkuid WebServiceUserKey --bksecretkey WebServicePrivateKey

Related API calls

These are the API calls you will typically make before you use the Rules API:

Before Rules API Use case
Containers API The use case for the containers API depends on which data ingest method you are using to transfer your data into the Oracle Data Cloud platform (online ingest, offline onboard, user data API, or mobile ingest):
  • Online ingest: Create a container to extract page and user attributes and transfer them to the platform for classification.
  • Offline onboard and user data API: Create a container to pass your unique user IDs (UUIDs) to the platform via an ID swap. Once a user has been ID swapped, their offline or server-side attributes can be transferred to the platform for classification.
  • Mobile ingest: Retrieve your site ID and insert it into the Oracle Data Cloud mobile core tag. The mobile core tag is used to extract page and user attributes from your mobile web pages and mobile apps and transfer them to the platform for classification.
Self-Classification Category API Add first-party categories to the self-classification tree in your private taxonomy.

These are the API calls you will typically make after you use the Rules API:

After Rules API Use case
Audiences API Create a target audience that includes your self-classified first-party categories.
Categories API View your categories and their inventory.

GET response summary

The Rules API GET request returns the classification rules used to map your categories with your site data. Here are the properties included for each rule:

Field Type Description
category_ids list (category IDs) A list of category IDs to which the classification rule applies
created_at date A timestamp indicating when the rule was initially created
id integer The unique ID assigned to the classification rule
name string The user-specified name for classification rule
partner_id integer The unique ID of the your partner seat to which the classification rule applies
phints list (phint definitions) A list of your phint definitions, which contain the following properties:
  • key (string): The phint key
  • operator (enum): The criteria used for determining how the phint value is applied (is or contains)
  • value (string): The full or partial phint value, depending on the specified operator
This field is only returned for phint-based rules.
referrer boolean Indicates whether the URL to be classified is the site URL (false) or the referrer URL (true) This field is only returned for URL-based rules.
site_ids list (site IDs) A list of containers to which the classification rule applies
status enum The status of the classification rule (Active, Creating, or Updating)
type enum The type of classification rule (phint or url)
updated_at date A timestamp indicating when the rule was last modified
url list (URLs) A list of your URL definitions
This field is only returned for URL-based rules.

POST response errors

If the POST request for creating categories fails, the POST response will use one of the following HTTP status codes:

Code Error message Description
400 Bad Request The body of the POST response will contain short description of the problems with the POST request.
401 Unauthorized You need to authenticate the request. See authentication and authorization for more information.
403 Forbidden You have reached the maximum number of categories (by default, the limit is 100).
404 Not Found The specified parent category is either not in your self-classification tree or is not in your Partner seat

The body of the POST response will contain a list of error codes for each of the input attributes causing the error. The following example demonstrates a POST response listing the errors for a failed request:

{ "errors": {
    "rule_id": [
    "rule_name": [
  "detail": "Bad request"

Learn more


Categories API

Self-Classification Category API

Using the Taxonomy Manager

URL encoding, percent-encoding