Step 2: Importing Your Oracle Financials Cloud General Ledger Value Set into Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud

Next, you import the data for the value sets that you want to manage in Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud. There are a few options for importing data from Oracle Financials Cloud General Ledger. This scenario will cover importing data by using the ChartofAccountsSegmentValuesandHierarchiesImportTemplate.xlsm template. For more information about using the template, see Import Segment Values and Hierarchies in File-Based Data Import for Oracle Financials Cloud

To generate the import files using the template:

  1. In the ChartofAccountsSegmentValuesandHierarchiesImportTemplate.xlsm template, update the GL_SEGMENT_VALUES_INTERFACE and GL_SEGMENT_HIER_INTERFACE tabs with the segment values and segment value hierarchies from your Oracle Financials Cloud General Ledger value set.
    screenshot shows the GL_SEGMENT_HIER_INTERFACE tab of the template


    Use the validation buttons on each tab to ensure that the data has no validation issues before you generate the import file.
  2. On the Instructions and CSV Generation tab, click Generate CSV.
    screenshot shows Generate CSV button
  3. Verify that the template created a containing two CSV files:
    • GlSegmentValuesInterface.csv
    • GlSegmentHierInterface.csv

    screenshot shows the two CSV files listed in the step

To import the generated files:

  1. From Applications, scroll to Financials Cloud, click action button, and then select Import.
    screenshot shows the Financials Cloud application with the Import option highlighted
  2. In the left column, select the dimension that you want to import data into.
    screenshot shows the Corporate Account dimension highlighted
  3. In File Name, specify the file that you created from the template, and then click Import.

    screenshot shows the Configure Import screen with the filename and Import button highlighted

To verify the data was imported successfully:

  1. From Views, select the Financials Cloud default view that was created when you created the application.
    screenshot shows views with Financials Cloud view highlighted
  2. Verify that the Corporate Account viewpoint contains the nodes in a list format.
    screenshot shows Corporate Account viewpoint with nodes in a list
  3. Verify that the ALL CORPORATE ACCOUNTS viewpoint contains the node hierarchy.
    screenshot shows the All Corporate Accounts viewpoint with the nodes in a hierarchy

After you have imported and verified the data, you must assign permissions to your users. In this scenario, the user steps involve adding a node and exporting the data back to Oracle Financials Cloud General Ledger. Users must have Data Manager permission on a dimension to export data from that dimension. See Working with Permissions.