Overview of the Home Page

The Home page is the launch point for accessing your business process tasks.

The interface provides an intuitive user experience and an overview for quick access to commonly used functions. For example, users can view and manage application data using viewpoints and requests. Service Administrators can manage and customize the business process, create user groups and provision roles, migrate artifacts, and make announcements.

Global Header

The global header is the area that stretches across the top of the user interface. It contains navigation icons as well as access to the Settings and Actions menu.

global header screenshot

Parts of the Global Header from left to right:

Global Header Part Description

navigator icon
The Navigator icon opens the Navigator menu, which serves as a sitemap of the business process and provides links to all of the functions in Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud that you have access to.

Oracle logo
Click the Oracle logo to return to the Home page while working elsewhere in the business process.

Note: Service Administrators can customize the logo. See Customizing Your Users' Display.

business process name
The name of the current business process.

Note: Service Administrators can hide the business process name. See Customizing Your Users' Display.

home button
Click the Home button to return to the Home page while working elsewhere in the business process.

Settings and Actions menu
Click your user name to access the Settings and Actions menu.

Cards and Clusters

cards and clusters screenshot

Terminology Note

  • A card is a user interface element that provides access to functionality in Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud (for example, Requests or Views).
  • A cluster is an organizational element that contains a group of cards. Click the cluster to display the cards in that cluster (for example, Tools).

The cards and clusters area of the Home page displays icons, called cards, that link you to each functional area of the business process that you have access to. The three dots above a card label indicates a grouping of cards, called a cluster. In the above example, the Information Model cluster is selected, showing the cards that it contains.

Welcome Panel

The Welcome Panel displays your user name and profile picture (if set), any system announcements entered by the Service Administrator, and helps you track your activity.

screenshot of activity panel
  • You can set your profile picture to display at the top of the Welcome panel. Your profile picture also indicates your current Out of Office status. See Setting Your Preferences.
  • View the system announcements from your Service Administrator by clicking Announcements. The most recent announcement, sorted by start date, appears at the top.

    Click Close Announcements close announcements button to return to the Activity panel.

  • Use the Request Activity links to access request activity specific to you. See Accessing Requests from the Home Page.