Managing Import Options

Import options enable you to specify at the dimension level how empty incoming values are handled, how clearing data on import is managed, and how deletes and reorders are processed during merge imports.

To manage the import options for a dimension, inspect the dimension that you want to import to (see Inspecting Dimensions) and then select the Import/Export tab.

Importing Empty Values

For properties with a data type that supports empty values (see Understanding Null and Empty Values in Properties), the Ignore Empty Fields on Import field determines how empty values are handled. When importing a file that does not contain a value for a property:

  • If Ignore Empty Fields on Import is enabled, then no value is imported for the property. (The value for the property will be null if it does not inherit a value and there is no defined or default value.)
  • If Ignore Empty Fields on Import is not enabled, then a defined empty value is stored for the property if the property data type supports defined empty values. If the property data type does not support a defined empty value, the import will display a warning and no value will be imported for that property.

If the property data type does not support defined empty values (such as Boolean) and you import a file that does not contain a value for that property, the import process will display a warning and will not import a value for that property.

Clearing Values on Import

The Clear Value Keyword for Import setting enables you to define a keyword that will clear the value for a property when a file with that keyword is imported. For example, if you enter <none> in this field, when you import a file that contains <none> in the field for a property, the existing value for that property will be cleared. (The value for the property will be null if it does not inherit a value and there is no default value.)

Expanding Allowed Values on Import

For Reset and Replace import modes only, select Expand Allowed Values on Import to add new distinct allowed values to properties with string and list data types when you run an import. If there are currently allowed values at the node type override level, the imported allowed values are added to them. Otherwise, the new allowed values are added at the application override level.


The Expand Allowed Values on Import option is not available for Merge imports.

Merge Import Options

Deleting or Reordering Nodes during Merge Imports

By default, merge imports do not delete nodes from the dimension that you are importing to. If a node exists in the bound dimension but not the import file, the node is removed from the hierarchy set that you are importing into, but it is not deleted from the node set. You can choose to delete all nodes in the bound dimension that are not in the import file, or you can delete only the nodes in the bound dimension that are not referenced by any other hierarchy node sets in the dimension. You can also choose to reorder the nodes in your dimension based on the order of the nodes in your import file.

To specify how deleting and reordering nodes is handled during merge imports:

  1. In the Merge Import Options section, for Process Deletes, select from these options:
    Mode Description Use Case

    (Default setting)

    Removes nodes from a bound viewpoint if they do not exist in the import source. No nodes are deleted from any bound node type.

    Do not delete any nodes that are in the bound viewpoint but not the import source.

    Safe Mode

    Removes nodes from a bound viewpoint if they do not exist in the import source. The removed nodes are also deleted from bound node types only if the nodes are not used in any other hierarchy node set or hierarchy set for the dimension.

    Prevent removed nodes used in other hierarchy sets or hierarchy node sets from being deleted.

    Forced Mode

    Deletes nodes from a bound viewpoint if they do not exist in the import source. These nodes are deleted from node types used by any node set and hierarchy set in the dimension.

    Delete nodes from a bound viewpoint which are no longer in the import source regardless of whether they are used in another hierarchy set or hierarchy node set for the dimension.

  2. Select Process Reorders to set the order of the nodes in the viewpoint being imported into to the order in which they appear in the import source file.


    This option may generate a large number of request items if there are significant differences between the existing order and the order in the import file.

  3. Click Save.

Configuring Workflow Options for Merge Imports

By default, if there are no validation errors on a merge import request it is auto-submitted and it bypasses any approval or commit policies. Use the following options to adjust the default behavior:

  • Deselect Auto-Submit to prevent merge import requests from being auto-submitted
  • Deselect Bypass Approvals and Commits to prevent auto-submitted merge import requests from automatically bypassing all approval and commit policies. (This option is cleared automatically if you deselect the Auto-Submit field).