Validating Requests

You can validate all items in a request or a single request item.

The system performs the checks necessary to determine the validity of the request items and their request actions compared to other data in the same request and data that already exists in the system. Derived properties for nodes in request items are also validated.


Validating request items is optional. The system validates the request when you submit it.

Depending on the validation severity, request items that fail a validation check are marked with an error or a warning. Errors must be corrected before the request can be transitioned to the next stage. You can transition requests with warnings to the next stage. For information on resolving validation issues see, Working with Request Validation Issues.

For more information about validations, see Understanding Validations and Constraints.

To validate all items in a request:

  1. Open a draft request.
  2. Click Requests request menu icon, to the right of All Items click select ellipsis, and then select Validate.

To validate a single request item:

  1. Open a draft request.
  2. Click Requests request menu icon, select a request item, click select ellipsis to the right of the item, and then select Validate.