Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management Validations

Validations ensure data integrity. The following validations run for Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management applications.

In addition to these Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management, system and generic validations are run on nodes, hierarchies, viewpoints, and properties in the application. See System Validations and Generic Validations.


For validations with a scope of Viewpoint in the table below, for hierarchy-set bound viewpoints the validation is run for the bound viewpoint.
Name Description Scope

Alias Uniqueness

Alias are not unique among a group of sibling nodes


Cube Data Storage

Default Data Storage is Shared or Label Only but Data Storage for cube is not Shared or Label Only


Data Storage

Default Data Storage is Shared or Label Only but Data Storage for cube is not Shared or Label Only


This is not checked if the member is not in the cube.


Date Attribute Name

Bottom level node names in a date attribute dimension are not in mm-dd-yyyy format


Formula Allowed

Data Storage is not Dynamic Calc or Dynamic Calc and Store


Member Name Conflicts

Member name is the same as a dimension name, a cube, or an attribute dimension defined for the current application

Node and data chain

Name Uniqueness

Member name is not unique across all nodes used in an application

Application-bound node types

Numeric Attribute Name

Bottom level node names in a numeric attribute dimension are not in numeric format


Plan Types

Plan Type is set to True but the parent does not have a True value


This validation is skipped if the parent is a predefined member.


Predefined Member

You cannot edit the Predefined Member node or property


Shared Member before Base Member

Shared members appear above base members in a hierarchy Viewpoint

Shared Members

Shared members are not in the same dimension

Application-bound node types

Smart List Required

Smart List is missing for member if Data Type is Smart List



Most application-specific validations are not run against predefined members (that is, nodes with PLN.Enterprise Predefined Member set to True), because these members are imported from the external application and are not able to be edited in Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud.

The only application-specific validations that are run against predefined members are the Predefined Member Edit, Predefined Member Property, and Alias Uniqueness validations.


The Formula Allowed and Plan Type validations are not checked on shared nodes (Data Storage = shared). The imports and exports at the application level transform these values as required by Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management.

Invalid Characters, First Characters, and Values for Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management

When you register a Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management application, validations for invalid characters, first characters, and values are automatically configured for the Core.Name and Alias properties. For a list of these characters and values, see Naming Restrictions for Dimensions, Members, and Aliases in Administering and Working with Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management .

You can edit these values by editing the property parameters. See Editing Property Parameters