Understanding Extract Types

The extract type enables you to extract either all data from a viewpoint, the changes to data over time, or to extract hierarchy information in separate columns.

Considerations for All Extract Types

  • Extract files are encoded in UTF-8.

  • Properties can be added to an extract more than once. This enables you to configure extract columns to display From and To values for nodes. See Selecting Extract Columns.
  • You can create an expression to use as an inclusion or exclusion filter for the nodes in the extract. For example, you can extract all nodes with an ancestor of "A", or all nodes except those with an ancestor of "A". See Specifying Extract Options.

Full Extracts

Full extracts enable you to extract all data from a viewpoint for the current time period. The viewpoint can be bound or unbound, and the extract can include bound or unbound properties.

Incremental Extracts

Incremental extracts enable you to extract changes in a viewpoint between two time periods. The From and To time periods are compared, and the incremental differences are output in the extract file.


Incremental extracts are not available for time labeled viewpoints.

Considerations for Incremental Extracts

  • To establish the time period for the incremental extract, you can specify From and To dates, a date offset (number of days prior to the current date), or you can extract all changes made since the last time an extract was run. See Editing Extracts.
  • You can extract all actions, or you can specify the actions that you want to extract. For example, you can extract only nodes that were added or deleted, but not updated or renamed. See Specifying Incremental Options.
  • The following extract options are not available for incremental extracts:
    • Pivot columns
    • Primary Key columns
    • Inverted Level specialty column

Generational Extracts

Generational extracts enable you to extract hierarchy relationships in a viewpoint as separate columns in the extract, rather than as parent and child columns as in the other extract types. You can define the maximum depth for the ancestors, and you can specify repeating options to fill in ancestor columns for nodes that are less than the maximum depth. See Specifying Generational Options.

Considerations for Generational Extracts

  • You can run generational extracts on hierarchy viewpoints only.
  • The Source Type column enables you specify that you are extracting a property for either a node or its ancestors. For example, to get the names of a node and its ancestors, you would add Core.Name to the extract twice and then use Source Type to specify that one is for nodes and the other is for its ancestors (see Example 1: Node and Ancestor Filters in a Balanced Hierarchy).
  • For extract options, by default Reconnect Parents is set to enabled and Exclude Implicitly Shared Nodes is set to disabled. These settings cannot be changed. See Specifying Extract Options.

For examples of generational extracts, see Generational Extract Examples.