Setting the Dimension Layout

dimension layout button Toggles the dimension layout overlay, which enables you to drag dimensions to reorder them or you can remove or add them from the Point of View.

If one or more POV dimensions are not necessary to include in a Note Template and its related Notes, the dimensions can be removed from the Note Template via Dimension Layout.

To set the Dimension Layout:
  1. Click Show Dimension Layout to display the Dimension Layout.
  2. You can drag dimensions to reorder them or you can remove or add them from the Point of View.


    In the Note Template editor, if you perform any of these actions, then the Note Template will be saved:

    • Saving the report

    • Closing the Note editor to return to the report design canvas

    • Editing another report object, by using the Actions, and select Edit menu

    A prompt is displayed, if you want to create a new Note Template, see Saving the Note Template.


    Once a Note Template is created and saved, you cannot change the Note Template name.

    After setting the dimensions in the Note Template POV and a Note is created from the template, the Dimension Layout cannot be changed.

    Note Templates specify the original POV dimensions that are available for all Notes entered from the report.

    To proceed further on Creating a Note Template, see Setting Up the Point of View Selections and Options.