Entering Target Growth Rates

Enter your target quota for the upcoming planning year.

Quota planning is done for the next planning year, based on growth over last year's actuals values, at the All Territory or All Resource level. You can also directly enter a value for the target.

  1. From the Home page, click Quota Planning Quota Planning icon, then click Set Targets Set Targets icon, and then click Set Growth Set Growth icon.

  2. In Plan YOY Growth % enter a percentage growth rate from the previous year's revenue for All Territories or All Resources, and then click Save. Alternatively, you can enter a value in Plan Target Quota. The Plan YOY Growth % is calculated for you.

    Target Quota is updated and the charts and dashboards reflect the target quota. Average quota per rep is also calculated.

Next, make any adjustments to the target quota:

When the target quota is ready, allocate it using top-down or waterfall planning. See Performing Top-Down Planning.