Working with Jobs in Jobs Console

In the Jobs Console, you can view and refresh the status of jobs, and remove the jobs you no longer require.

Before you begin working with jobs in the Jobs Console, you should have launched the EPM Books panel, as described in Launching the EPM Books Panel and initiated the importing of books as described in Importing Books.

To manage jobs in the Jobs Console:

  1. Expand the Jobs Console by clicking Expand icon, if it appears collapsed.
    The Jobs Console displays jobs from imported books of all status types: in-progress jobs, completed jobs, and jobs that resulted in error.
    The Jobs Console toolbar is also displayed on the top of the list of jobs.

    Figure 11-13 Example of Jobs Console

    Example of Jobs Console showing jobs in Started and Completed statuses with Refresh all jobs button, Delete selected jobs button, Delete all completed jobs button in the toolbar.
  2. To refresh the jobs in the Jobs Console, perform any of the following tasks:
    • To refresh the status of all jobs in the Jobs Console, click Refresh all jobs button in the Jobs Console toolbar.

      The status of all jobs that you have submitted is refreshed.

    • To refresh a specific job, select the job and click Refresh job button in the row for the job.

      The status of the selected job is refreshed.

  3. To delete the jobs in the Jobs Console, perform any of the following tasks:
    • To delete all completed jobs, click Delete all completed jobs button.

      Completed jobs are deleted from the Jobs Console.

    • To delete a specific completed job, select the row for the job in the Jobs Console and click Delete selects jobs button.

      You can use the Control key to select more than one contiguous or non-contiguous job from the list, and then click Delete selects jobs button.

      The selected jobs are deleted from the list of jobs in the Jobs Console.