Adding Reference Doclets to a Report Package
This task is completed by report package owners using the Narrative Reporting web interface.
To begin working with embedded content, the report package owner adds Excel- or Reports-based reference doclets to a report package. Reference doclets are the containers to which reference doclet authors add report content and make it available to doclet authors for embedding.
You must have report package owner privileges to add reference doclets to a report package.
The reference doclets you add can already contain report content and named ranges, or you can add them later, during the authoring process.
To add reference doclets to a report package:
Reference doclet authors are now ready to begin working with the Excel-based reference doclets, as described in Defining Named Ranges in Excel-based Reference Doclets.
To begin embedding content from reference doclets in a doclet, go to Embedding Content in a Doclet.