Adding Reference Doclets to a Report Package

This task is completed by report package owners using the Narrative Reporting web interface.

To begin working with embedded content, the report package owner adds Excel- or Reports-based reference doclets to a report package. Reference doclets are the containers to which reference doclet authors add report content and make it available to doclet authors for embedding.


  • You must have report package owner privileges to add reference doclets to a report package.

  • The reference doclets you add can already contain report content and named ranges, or you can add them later, during the authoring process.

To add reference doclets to a report package:

  1. In Oracle Smart View for Office, follow the procedure described in Adding Reference Doclets to a Report Package.

    Alternatively, to use Narrative Reporting web, see Adding Excel Content to a Reference Doclet.

  2. In Smart View, open the report package and verify that the reference doclet is included.

Reference doclet authors are now ready to begin working with the Excel-based reference doclets, as described in Defining Named Ranges in Excel-based Reference Doclets.

To begin embedding content from reference doclets in a doclet, go to Embedding Content in a Doclet.