Getting Help

Seek help from Oracle if a database refresh results in timeouts or does not perform as you expect.

  1. Create a Provide Feedback submission that captures your actions while refreshing the database.

    You may, optionally, allow Oracle to access the maintenance snapshot of the environment by consenting to application snapshot submission. See Creating a Provide Feedback Submission.

  2. Create a technical service request that identifies the Provide Feedback reference number. See Submitting a Technical Service Request. The service request must contain the following additional information:
    • Did this issue start after the latest monthly update?
    • If the process was working and performing better previously, but is not now, include the date, time, and time zone when the process was working as expected.
    • Snapshot of the environment, if available, from the last time when the database refresh worked and performed better.
    • Application changes that you made since the last time the database refresh worked properly and performed better.
    • Whether this is a critical outage.