Requesting Root Cause Analysis (RCA) for a Resolved Issue

Oracle proactively sends Event Summary and Root Cause Analysis (RCA) notifications, and official documents for resolved issues. These notifications contain information related to a specific service outage or performance degradation.

An Event Summary is provided if an environment (production or test) experienced an outage or performance degradation for more than 15 minutes. The Event Summary, which provides a synopsis of a service outage or performance degradation, is created and distributed soon after the event is closed and the service is restored. It includes the following information:

  • Brief description of the event
  • Type of event (outage, performance degradation, or other)
  • Event timeline, including impact start and service restoration time
  • Affected services, applications and systems

An RCA is made available if a production or test environment experienced an outage or performance degradation for more than 60 minutes. It is developed in the days following the event, after Oracle has completed a thorough technical investigation. The RCA describes what caused the issue and the corrective actions that Oracle identified to reduce the likelihood of recurrence. It includes the following information:

  • Detailed description of the event
  • Type of event (outage, performance degradation, or other)
  • Event timeline, including impact start and service restoration time
  • Services impacted
  • Affected applications and systems
  • Root cause analysis
  • Corrective and preventative actions

Complete these steps to access Event Summaries and RCAs for your environments:

  1. Access My Services.
  2. Complete one of these steps to access All Notifications:
    • Click View Notifications on the Dashboard.
    • Click the bell icon to view all notifications for the selected domain or account.
    • In the Navigation drawer, select Account Management and then Notifications.
  3. Optional: Apply a filter (for example, Service Announcement) to show only the notifications you want to view.
  4. Click a notification to view details.
    My Services Classic All Notifications screen

If you did not receive the RCA for an issue or you want additional information about an RCA you received, you can make a request. Complete the following steps to request Oracle to perform an RCA for a resolved issue or to get more information for an RCA you already received:

  1. Create a Provide Feedback submission if you did not create one when you first reported the issue. The Provide Feedback submission must include screenshots of the steps that led to the error and error messages. Optionally, allow Oracle to access the maintenance snapshot of the environment by consenting to application snapshot submission. See Creating a Provide Feedback Submission.
  2. Update the technical service request that you submitted while reporting the issue to initiate the RCA. See Submitting a Technical Service Request. Unless previously included, the service request must contain the following:
    • The Provide Feedback reference number.
    • Detailed steps to reproduce the issue.
    • If the environment did not have this issue previously, the date, time, and time zone when the environment was working as expected.
    • Snapshot of the environment, if available, from the last time when the environment was working properly.
    • Application changes, if any, that you made since the last time the environment was working without this issue.