Distribution Overview

Distributions enable you to send report content to stakeholders at any point in the report development. You can send the entire report, or a limited subset of the report content that you define per user or group. The recipients of the distribution are able to view the report content that you assigned to them, but they do not participate in the report development process. Unlike report package viewers, distribution recipients view the report content only. They do not view report package development artifacts, such as review comments.

You can distribute report content at any time during the development process, and you can create multiple distribution cycles. When you execute a distribution, notifications are sent to all recipients. They access the report content in the Distribution Center, where depending on the access you grant them, they can view the content online or download the content in the native format or PDF.


When you execute a distribution, notifications are sent via email and the Messages tab on the web. You can specify the subject and message text for the email, and it also contains links to all of the available options for a recipient (view, download, download as PDF). However, the notification in the messages tab contains only one link. The order of priority for this link is view, then download by PDF, then download in native format.

You can vary the distribution of report content by users and groups. For example, you can grant access to the full content to one group of users, and a limited set of content to a second group. However, you cannot vary a user or group's access between distributions. For example, for a given report package, if you grant full access to the Finance Users group for a Weekly distribution, you can't grant partial access to the Finance Users group in a Final distribution. See also this videovideo icon Distributing Report Packages

Refer to these topics for more information: