About Variables

Variables contain a specific value that can be used repeatedly across Disclosure Management reports and doclets. You can edit an existing variable to display a different value in all the places the variable is mapped.

A placeholder for a variable is placed in a Disclosure Management report or doclet to indicate a variable mapping. When the document/doclet is evaluated, the value associated with the variable replaces the placeholder. There are two types of variables:

  • Static Variable: A Static Variable is created with any user defined value and mapped in the document/doclet. Variables can be numbers, dates, symbols, strings, and so on. Static Variables are defined in a single location using the Variable tab. The variable is used as a placeholder for that text in any location in the documents. When evaluated, the placeholder displays the value of the variable in the mapped areas. A useful example of Static Variables is for date management. Since the same date appears in numerous locations throughout a filing which must be individually updated during the rollover process, by using variables, only the variable value needs to be changed during the rollover. Static variables can be edited from any doclet associated with a given Disclosure Management report. The original doclet information of the static variable is retained, no matter where it was edited. For example, if a static variable created in doclet1 is edited in another doclet or Disclosure Management report, the static variable value is updated and the original doclet information is retained.

  • Reference Variable: A Reference Variable can use any text or image in a document/doclet to create a reference. Once the reference variable is created, you can map the variable to create cross-reference or page-reference hyperlinks. If your document contains a Table of Contents, you can use reference variables to add a table of contents text and page numbers.

Creating a Static Variable

To create a Static Variable:

  1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

  2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click The image shows the Mapping Tool icon..

  3. From the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select the Variable tab. Click The image shows the Add button. and select Static Variable.

  4. In the Static Variable dialog Name field, enter a unique identifier. For example, CURR_YEAR. Do not use special characters and do not add spaces between words.

  5. In the Value field, enter a value. For example, April 1, 2012.

  6. Click OK to save the variable.

  7. Variables are saved on the Variables tab.

Creating a Reference Variable

Reference Variables are useful in identifying key words, phrases and locations within a document. The reference variable identifies a location or a selection of text that you name and identify for future reference.

To create a reference variable:

  1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

  2. Select some text, image, or data in the document or doclet.

  3. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click The image shows the Mapping Tool icon..

  4. From the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select the Variable tab. Click The image shows the Add button. and select Reference Variable.

  5. The selected text is populated in the Value field of the Reference Variable dialog.


    If data in a grid is selected, the variable is created at the document level - not the data source level.

  6. In the Name field, enter a unique description. Do not use special characters and do not add spaces between words.

  7. Click Link to create the link to the selected text.

  8. Click OK.

Locating Reference Variables

You can view the location of reference variables in a doclet and Disclosure Management report.

To locate variables:

  1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

  2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click The image shows the Mapping Tool icon..

  3. On the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select the Variable Tab.

  4. Right-click a reference-type variable. The Reference Variable dialog is displayed.

  5. Click Locate. The reference variables are highlighted on the document.

  6. Click OK to exit the Reference Variable dialog.

Mapping Static Variables

Once you have created static variables, you can map them to a location within your document

To map a static variable:

  1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

  2. Select a location on your document where you want the variable to display.

  3. From the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select the Variable tab to display the variables list. For each variable in the list, the Type column conveys the kind of variable attached to it - Static or Reference.

  4. Select a Static type listing, then click Graphic of Mapping icon.

  5. The mapping instructions are added to the Details tab.

Mapping Reference Variables

Reference variables can be mapped different ways - as cross reference, page reference, or hyperlink.

Mapping Reference Variables as Cross Reference

After you create a reference type variable, you can map it as cross references. Cross references are used to refer text or images from one part of the document to another. For example, If you create a reference variable named "Statement of Operations", you can map that text to another location as a cross reference. On evaluation, the value of the reference variable "Statement of Operations" is displayed in the mapped location.

To map reference variables as cross reference

  1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

  2. Highlight the document location where you want to add a cross reference.

  3. From the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select the Variable tab to display the variables listing and search for a Reference type variable. You can click the Type column header to group the list of variables by type.

  4. Highlight a reference variable and click Graphic of Mapping icon to display the Map Variable dialog.

  5. Click Cross Reference to insert the value of the reference variable. This is the default setting.

  6. Optional. Click Insert as Hyperlink to add a link to the location of the reference variable.

  7. Click OK.

Mapping Reference Variables as Page Reference

The Page Reference inserts the page number of the reference variable in the mapped location. You can select a reference variable and map it to the desired location. For example, you can place the mapping in the Table of Contents. The generated result will display the page number. You can also set up a hyperlink to the reference variable so when you click the page number, you will link to the reference variable in the document.

To map reference variables as page references

  1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

  2. Highlight the document location where you want to add a page reference.

  3. From the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select the Variable tab to display the variables listing and search for a Reference type variable. You can click the Type column header to group the list of variables by type.

  4. Highlight a reference variable and click Graphic of Mapping icon - to display the Map Variable dialog.

  5. Click Page Reference to insert the page number reference of the of the reference variable location.

  6. Optional. Click Insert as Hyperlink to add a link to the location of the reference variable.

  7. Click OK.

Mapping Reference Variables as Hyperlinks

You can select a reference variable in any place in the document, then use hyperlink mapping to create the text you want to display in the selected location of the document. For example, in hyperlink mapping you can add the text "Click Here" to display in the document which will link to the location of the reference variable you selected. You can also define screentip text that will appear when the mouse is held over the selected location.

To map hyperlinks to reference variables:

  1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

  2. Highlight the document location where you want to add a hyperlink.

  3. From the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select the Variable tab to display the variables listing and search for a Reference type variable. You can click the Type column header to group the list of variables by type.

  4. Highlight a reference variable and click Graphic of Mapping icon to display the Map Variable dialog.
    The image shows the Map Variable dialog.

  5. Click Hyperlink.

  6. In the Text to display field, enter the hyperlink text you want to display in your document. Required.

  7. In the Screentip Text field, enter the text you want to display when the user's mouse hovers over the selected text.

  8. Click OK.

Viewing the Variable Listing

Variables can be viewed in the Variables pane of the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool. The information includes:

  • Name - User defined variable name assigned to the user. No spaces are allowed.

  • Value - For static variable, the value entered by the user. For reference variable, the value selected from the document.

  • Type - The type of variable - Static or Reference.

  • Location - The name of the doclet where the variable was created.

    If the variable is created in the Disclosure Management report, the report name is shown.

When you click on a variable in the list, its mapping is reflected in the bottom pane. The information includes:

  • Value - Using Word, the page and line number where the mapping is located in the document. Using Excel, the page and cell location (row and column) where the mapping is located in the document.

  • Type - For reference variable, the mapping types that display - can be Cross Reference, Page Reference, or Hyperlink. For Static variable, the Static Variable type is displayed.

  • Location - The name of the doclet where the mapping was done.

Editing Variables

To edit a variable, you select a variable and click Edit button.

  • If you select a static variable, the Static Variable dialog is displayed. Enter a new Value field and click OK.

  • If you select a reference variable, the Reference Variable dialog is displayed. click Locate to view the current location of the reference variable in the document - the location is highlighted in yellow. In the document, click on a new location and in the Link Variable dialog click Link. Click OK

  • Click Refresh button, to update the mapped locations of the variables.


    Reference variables must be edited only from the doclet where they were created.

Deleting Variables and Removing Variable Mappings

When you delete a variable, you also delete all the mappings. If any mappings for the deleted global variable exist in a document, they are automatically removed. If a variable is mapped in multiple doclets and the variable is removed from the Disclosure Management report, the variable is removed from all the doclets.

You can remove a variable mapping from anywhere in a Disclosure Management report or a doclet regardless of where the variable was created. Removing a mapping causes the removal of variable information from that location in the document.

To delete variables:

  1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

  2. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Mapping Tool, and then select the Variables tab

  3. Highlight a variable, click the Action drop-down and select Delete.

To delete a variable mappings:

  1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

  2. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Mapping Tool, and then select the Variables tab

  3. On the Details tab, highlight a variable mapping, click the Action drop-down and select Remove Mapping.

Viewing Variable Mappings in your Document

You can select a mapping in the Details tab to highlight the mapping location in a current document.

To view mappings:

  1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

  2. On the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Mapping Tool, and then select the Variables tab.

  3. On the Variables tab, click a variable to display the mappings in the Details tab.

  4. Do one of the following to see the mapping in the document:

    • Double-click a variable mapping.

    • Highlight a variable mapping, then click The image shows the Locate Value icon..

    • Highlight multiple variable mappings, then click The image shows the Locate Value icon..

Evaluating Variables

On the Disclosure Management ribbon, you can toggle between the Show Variables / Evaluate Variables button to view variable values or variable definitions, respectively. There are some limitations:

  • In Microsoft Excel and Word doclets, page reference variables cannot be evaluated since the page number value represents its position within the scope of the Disclosure Management report only. The page reference evaluates correctly from the Disclosure Management report.

  • In Microsoft Excel and Word doclets, clicking on a hyperlink variable in evaluated mode will only navigate to the appropriate location if the hyperlink target is within the same doclet. If the hyperlink target is in a different doclet, clicking the link has no effect. All hyperlinks are linked correctly from the Disclosure Management report.

  • In the Disclosure Management report, all variables coming from all doclets are evaluated correctly.