13 Performing Auto Tag on the Face Financial Doclets

After you register and load your taxonomy, and configure your Document Entity Information (DEI), you can proceed to auto tag the tables in the doclet.

The Auto Tag operation should be performed on individual Face Financial doclets in the Disclosure Management report.

Face Financial Doclet

Before you begin the Auto Tag process, you must ensure that all the required pre-requisites steps are verified. You must ensure that the Word doclet or Disclosure Management report is checked-out, before you work on it.

To Auto Tag a Face Financial doclet:

  1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View. See Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View
  2. Open the Disclosure Management report.
  3. In the Disclosure Management ribbon, select Manage to open the Disclosure Management Report Manager.
  4. In Disclosure Management Report Manager, select a doclet.
  5. In the shortcut menu, click Open.
  6. In Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select Concept tab, expand the taxonomy tree and double-click on the Income Statement [Abstract] concept.
  7. In the doclet, select an appropriate Abstract Element based on the content, and highlight the entire table then locate the correct Abstract Element tag in the taxonomy in the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool User Interface, and then map the tag (also mapping the correct Concept, and Context).


    It is very important that make a correct decision on level 4 detailed network selection to be tagged in the Face Financial Doclet.

    Additionally, it is important to select an Abstract element that is an ancestor to all elements that are to be auto tagged.

  8. In Disclosure Management Mapping Tool, select Context tab to set the dates and type of Context (Instant or Duration). The context represents time period and entity information. You can view the dates and type of Context (Instant or Duration) for each.
  9. Click Save, and then Check-in the doclet.
  10. Click Auto Tag.


    • It's recommended that you validate the tags after the Auto Tagging process is completed for each doclet.

    • To validate the Auto Tagged items by clicking the Review tab in the Disclosure Management Mapping Tool. See Reviewing Mappings

    Watch this overview video: Mapping Disclosure Management Reports in Narrative Reporting Cloud.

    video icon - Mapping Disclosure Management Reports in Narrative Reporting Cloud.