Auto Tagging the Table Cells in a Word Doclet

After you register, and load your taxonomy, and configure your Document Entity Information (DEI), you can proceed to auto tag the tables in the doclet.

The Auto Tag operation should be performed on individual doclets in the Disclosure Management report, as it enables collaboration of multiple users working in the report. It is not considered "Best Practice" to tag the Disclosure Management report.

Before you begin the Auto Tag process, you must ensure that all the required pre-requisites steps are verified:

  • You must ensure that the Word doclet or Document is checked-out, before you work on it. Auto tag will check out the Word doclet if it is not already checked out. The Doclet will remain checked out after auto tag is complete. It will be up to the end user to review and check it back in.

  • You must ensure that the formatting options at the report level are set correctly, such as the date format and the negative number format.

  • You must verify the Document Entity Information (DEI) are present and tagged properly.

  • At least one Context must be defined, before performing Auto Tag.


It's recommended that you validate the tags after the Auto Tagging process is completed for each doclet. You can validate the Auto Tagged items by reviewing them using the existing functionality.

Reviewing Mappings

Watch this overview video: Mapping Disclosure Management Reports in Narrative Reporting Cloud.

video icon Mapping Disclosure Management Reports in Narrative Reporting Cloud.

Performing Auto Tag on the Disclosure Management report in Smart View

To Auto Tag the table cells within a word doclet, perform these steps:

  1. Connect to the Narrative Reporting in Oracle Smart View for Office. See Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View
  2. In the Smart View panel, navigate to the newly created library folder that is made available to Disclosure Management users.
  3. Expand the folder structure, and view the Disclosure Management report that is made available for both Disclosure Management and Narrative Reporting Web users.
  4. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View.
  5. Click Auto Tag.