Navigating Documents in Explorer

When you open a Disclosure Management document from Oracle Smart View for Office, it opens in Explorer. From Explorer, you can open or download documents. You can also see previous versions of a document.


Administrators can also provide access privileges to artifacts in Explorer. See Granting Access to Disclosure Management reports and Doclets.

Opening and Checking Out a Document

After you open a document, you can then check it out, provided that no other user has checked it out at the time. Once a document is checked out, you can create the next version of that document. While you are working on a checked out document, other users can only view all changes being made to the document except mappings, which can be viewed after the document is checked in. When you check in the document, it is saved to the Explorer. A read-only version is also saved in Explorer.


For non-Colombian taxonomy, this use case is valid.

To open and check out a document:

  1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

  2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click Explorer..
  3. In Explorer, select a document, and then double-click or click Open Document ..


    A document that is checked out by another user shows a "checked out" icon.
    The images shows a checked out document
    . When you hover over the button, the user who has the documents checked out is displayed.

    The opened document is displayed in the Disclosure Management page, and the Explorer window is closed.

  4. In the ribbon, select Check Out.

After checking out and modifying a document, select Check In to save your changes and check the document back in, or select Undo Checkout to discard your changes and check the document back in. When you check a document back in, you can enter a comment that you want to display for that version.


If you check in a document with one version of Microsoft Word (for example, Word 2007) and then check it out with a different version (for example, Word 2010), the document will be opened in Read-Only mode. To correct this, in Word open the Options panel, and in the General tab, navigate to Start Up Options. Deselect Open email attachments and other uneditable files in reading view. Then, click OK to save the change.

Downloading a Document from Explorer

You can download any file type from Explorer to your computer.

To download a document:

  1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

  2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click Explorer..
  3. Select a document, and then click download. The Save As dialog is displayed.

  4. Navigate to the location where you want to download the document, and then click Save.

Viewing Previous Versions of a Document

When a user changes and saves a Disclosure Management report or doclet to Explorer , a snapshot of the document is saved. The snapshot of the document shows a detailed mapping review with links to the mapping location in the document.

To view previous versions of a document:

  1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

  2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click Explorer..
  3. Select Properties, and then select the Versions tab.

    The versions are displayed and are numbered consecutively, with the latest version displayed on top. Each document is associated with a Revision number, Comment, Modified by, and Revision Date.

  4. To view a version, select it, and then from the Actions menu, select Open Version.

    The document is displayed in read-only mode.

Comparing Changes in Documents

You can compare the changes between a current document against a versioned document in read only mode.

To compare changes in Documents:

  1. Open the Disclosure Management report in Smart View Microsoft Office. See Connecting to Narrative Reporting in Smart View.

  2. From the Disclosure Management ribbon, click Explorer..
  3. Select a doclet to compare from a previous version to the current version.

  4. Go to the Properties tab and select the version of the doclet to open.

  5. Open the document that you need to compare.

  6. Click Compare on the ribbon.

  7. The version that is opened will be compared to the most current version of the doclet.