Configure Your Anytime Pay Individual Compensation Plan for the US

Use the Eligibility Profiles task to define what employees are eligible to the Individual Compensation Plan.

Use the Individual Compensation Plans task to define the plan itself. This includes:

  • Associating it with the proper gross-up element.

  • Defining a valid date range.

  • Associating the plan with your eligibility profile.

  • Granting access to this plan to only Anytime Pay.

  • Providing instructions for your employees on how to request pay advances.

Define Eligibility Profiles

You can create an eligibility profile to restrict access based on person or employment criteria.

  1. From My Client Groups, click Show More.

  2. Click Eligibility Profiles.

  3. Click Create, and select Create Participant Profile.

  4. Provide values for these fields.

    Field name

    What you do


    Give the profile a name.

    Profile Usage

    Select Compensation.

    Assignment to Use

    Select a value appropriate to your organization.


    Select Active.

  5. Under Eligibility Criteria, define eligibility based on person or employment data.

    For further info, see Eligibility Profiles in the Help Center.

  6. Click Save.

  7. To define more complex eligibility criteria, you can:

    • Use the Derived Factors task to configure additional criteria, such as age, length of service, and hours worked

    • Use the Fast Formulas task to define logic of almost any complexity

Define the Plan

Create an individual compensation plan to be used for Anytime Pay.

  1. From My Client Group, click Show More.

  2. Under Compensation, click Individual Compensation Plans.

  3. Click Create.

  4. Give the plan a name.

  5. Define an option, and assign the Anytime Pay element.

    1. Select Options, and click Create.

    2. Give the option a name.

    3. Under Element Mapping, select the Anytime Pay element you defined.

    4. Click Save and Close.

  6. Define the date range.

    1. Select Dates.

    2. Select Start or submission date as the start date and No end date as the end date.

  7. Define the plan's eligibility.

    1. Select Eligibility.

    2. Under Eligibility Profile, click Add at the top level.

    3. Select the eligibility profile you defined, and set it as required.

    4. Click Save and Close.

  8. Restrict access to this plan to only the Anytime Pay process.

    1. Select Plan Access.

    2. Restrict access to the plan.

    3. Under Action, search for and select Request Pay Advance.

  9. Document your company rules for requesting advance payments.

    1. Select Instruction Text.

    2. Use the text field to document your company rules that govern Anytime Pay requests.

      This text displays when employees start the Request Pay Advance process, so the info you provide should be useful to them.

      You apply and enforce your company rules at the organization level. For further info, see Configure Your Organization for Anytime Pay for the US in the Help Center.

  10. Click Save.