Set Up Processing of e-IWOs

Before you process inbound Electronic Income Withholding Orders (e-IWOs), make sure you have performed the necessary configurations.

  • Configure your OCSS relationship and employer server

  • Verify person eligibility

  • Configure the appropriate tasks for order processing

  • Configure the e-IWO flows

  • Manage your historical data

For further info, see the following sections.

How to Configure Your Office of Child Support Enforcement Relationship and Employer Server

Establish and validate your relationship with the Office of Child Support Services (OCSS). This enables the OCSS to push the e-IWO files to your predefined secure FTP server.

Establishing this relationship involves:

  • Providing OCSS with the necessary info, such as your IP address, host name, directory names, user IDs, and passwords.

    Refer to the Office of Child Support Enforcement website for complete info.

  • Registering as an employer with the OCSS by completing their e-IWO Profile form.

    Refer to the Department of Health and Human Services website for complete info.

    If you're an employer with multiple federal EINs, you must identify a primary federal EIN. The e-IWO flows use the EIN you provide in all correspondence with the OCSS, such as the inbound orders and Acknowledgment files.

  • Setting up and configuring a secure FTP site to receive e-IWO Valid Inbound Detail files from the OCSS.

  • Optionally, establishing encryption on your secure FTP server by using the Gnu Not UNIX Privacy Guard Encryption System. Refer to their website for instructions.

    Refer to the Office of Child Support Enforcement website for instructions on how to set up your secure FTP server without a password.

    You can opt to not use encryption. HCM Data Loader supports the loading of both encrypted and unencrypted data files. For further info, see the Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management: Integrating with Oracle Cloud HCM Guide in the Oracle Help Center.

What Person Types Are Eligible to Receive e-IWOs

You can process e-IWOs for only certain person types.

Person type

What happens


To be eligible for receipt of e-IWO related deductions, a worker must:

  • Be of Employee type

  • Have at least one assignment in active or suspended status


For employees with multiple payroll relationships, the flow creates or updates the cards appropriately.


The flow rejects the order with Error Code N (Noncustodial Parent No Longer an Employee) for the following employee types:

  • Ex-employees

  • Workers with no active assignments


For employees with multiple payroll relationships, the flow creates or updates the cards appropriately.


Not supported.


Not supported.

Contingent Worker

Not supported.

Employees with multiple payroll relationships may require extra configuration. For further info, see the following in the Help Center.

  • How e-IWOs Are Processed When an Obligor has Multiple Payroll Relationships

  • Receive and Process e-IWO Inbound Orders

What Tasks to Configure for e-IWO Processing

Before you can process any inbound order files, you must perform configuration in these tasks.

  • Third Parties

  • Elements

  • Fast Formulas

  • User-Defined Tables

Manage Third Parties

You must define default e-IWO payees for those cases where you haven't explicitly defined the payee specified in the inbound file. As state disbursement units (SDUs) are the state-authorized recipients of e-IWO payments, they're the recommended default payees.

When you run the e-IWO Process flow, it attempts to associate the payee listed in the order with an existing third-party payee definition. If the flow is unable to find that payee, it:

  1. Uses the payee remittance FIPS code stored in the user-defined tables to derive the state.

  2. Uses the default payee for that state as the payee.

Without a payee definition, the e-IWO flows can't add the order to the obligor's Involuntary Deductions card. For further info, see How e-IWO Amount Payees Are Determined in the Help Center.

Once you have defined them, it's your responsibility to ensure your SDU payee definitions remain accurate.

To define your default payees:

  1. Use the Third Parties task to define the default payees as either individual or organization payees.

    If you're defining SDUs, they must be organization payees.

  2. Attach each payee to a valid organization payment method that has been linked a payroll.

  3. Use the user-defined tables to associate them with the various types of e-IWO payees. Each US state and territory can have the following payees, including DC and Puerto Rico.

    • Spousal Support Order Amount Payee Name

    • Spousal Support Processing Fee Payee Name

    • Spousal Support Organization Fee Payee Name

    • Child Support Order Amount Payee Name

    • Child Support Processing Fee Payee Name

    • Child Support Organization Fee Payee Name

    For further info, see Manage User-Defined Tables below.

Manage Elements

Before you can accept any e-IWOs, use the Element Definitions task to define all relevant involuntary deductions.

Create two Involuntary Deduction elements with these secondary classifications.

Secondary classification

How it's used

Child Support

Payments a noncustodial parent makes as a contribution to the cost of raising their child.

Spousal Support

Court-ordered payments in support of a former spouse or current spouse while divorce is pending.

Once you have defined the elements, use the user-defined tables to associate them with the incoming e-IWOs. For further info, see Manage User-Defined Tables below.

Manage Fast Formulas

Through the Fast Formulas task, you can optionally define a formula to perform operations to suit your specific requirements. The predefined formula template supports:

  • Determining an obligor's withholding amount, based on the amount and frequency info provided in the initial e-IWO, and loading the amount into their Involuntary Deductions card.

    If you don't use this formula, or if the employee has multiple assignments with different payroll frequencies, the e-IWO Involuntary Deductions Card Load flow loads the total withholding amount and the frequency from the inbound file. The payroll process then calculates the withholding amount.


    This is a decision you should make upon your initial configuration. If you choose to change this formula after you have begun processing e-IWOs, validation check for duplicates for future orders may be impacted.

  • Generating a deduction number for each deduction.

    This is the third-party lien number and is not specific to e-IWOs. it's a unique 2-digit number representing the deduction. This number increments whenever the employee incurs a new deduction, such as 01, 02, 03, and so on. The third-party involuntary payment process uses this number.

    This occurs whether or not you use this formula. However, you can define logic to change how the number increments.

  • Overriding the order's subprocessing priority.

    The default priority is 100. You can override that default through a setting on the user-defined tables. For further info, see Manage User-Defined Tables below.

    However, if you require more complex logic, use the fast formula to establish a dynamic priority assignment. For example, define logic that increments the priority by 10 for each new order.

  • Setting a new start date for all new orders, regardless of when you received them.

    This ensures you begin processing all new orders at the same time. By default, deduction processing begins on the income withholding start date set on the Involuntary Deductions card's component.


    This is a decision you should make upon your initial configuration. If you choose to change this formula after you have begun processing e-IWOs, you must ensure you don't have any unprocessed orders pending before implementing the new formula.

To define a formula for e-IWOs:

  1. Start the Fast Formulas task.

  2. Search for and open the e-IWO Processing Overrides Formula template.

  3. Copy its contents.

  4. Open a new formula, and paste in the temple formula.

  5. Edit the formula to fulfill your business needs.

  6. Save the formula under a unique meaningful name.

  7. Configure the user-defined tables to use your formula.

    For further info, see Manage User-Defined Tables below.

Manage User-Defined Tables

Before the e-IWO flows can update your obligor Involuntary Deductions cards, use user-defined tables to configure the following.

Table name

What it's for

e-IWO State Configuration Default Settings

  • Sets the default payees for e-IWOs. If you receive an order for a payee that you haven't already defined, the e-IWO Process flow uses these payees by default.

  • Identifies how the e-IWO Process flow interprets the receipt of a zero-amount amendment order. Some states use zero-amount amendments as termination orders.

e-IWO Employer Configuration Settings


  • Primary federal EIN

  • Identifies whether your employer has multiple EINs

  • Identifies whether your employer accepts orders for suspended assignments

  • Default order subprocessing priority on the employee Involuntary Deductions card

e-IWO Element Information

Identifies the elements the payroll process associates with the Involuntary Deductions card components.

e-IWO Medical Eligibility Information

Identifies the family medical insurance coverage availability through the employer. doesn't specify if the employee currently participates in such family medical coverage plan.

e-IWO Additional Configuration Options

Specifies an optional user-defined fast formula. This formula:

  1. Calculates the obligor's withholding amount, based on the amount and frequency info provided in the initial e-IWO.

    Also loads the amount into the employee's Involuntary Deductions card.

  2. Derives the third-party involuntary deduction number for each deduction.

  3. Specifies an alternate start date for new orders.

    This ensures all new orders begin processing at the same time, such as the start of the next work week.

  4. Provides logic to establish a dynamic priority assignment for orders, such as increment the priority by 10 for each new order.

To set up the configuration info using user-defined tables:

  1. Start the User-Defined Tables task.

  2. Identify the default e-IWO payees and set your zero-amount amendment handling.

    1. Select and edit the e-IWO State Configuration Settings table.

      This table has 55 rows, 1 for each state, the District of Columbia, 3 US territories, and 1 row for all.

      This table includes the following columns.

      • Spousal Support Order Amount Payee Name

      • Spousal Support Processing Fee Payee Name

      • Spousal Support Organization Fee Payee Name

      • Child Support Order Amount Payee Name

      • Child Support Processing Fee Payee Name

      • Child Support Organization Fee Payee Name

      • Terminate Order for Zero-Amount Amendment

    2. Enter a payee for each state, district, and territory row.

      Use the All row to specify a payee for use with all jurisdictions.


      The names you enter must match the names you used when you defined the payees through the Third Party Payee task.

      For further info, see State Disbursement Units and Other Payees above.

    3. For each row, use the Terminate Order for Zero-Amount Amendment value to indicate how the e-IWO Process flow handles the receipt of zero-amount amendments.

      The default is to terminate the order.

  3. Define order handling for your employer.

    1. Select and edit the e-IWO Employer Configuration Settings table.

    2. Enter your primary federal EIN.

    3. Enter Y or N to indicate if your employer has multiple EINs.

    4. Enter Y or N to indicate if the validation flow accepts orders for suspended employees.

      If you opt to reject these orders, the e-IWO flows assign them INVALID status.

    5. Set a subprocessing priority override.

      The default is 100.

      You can also use a fast formula to define more complicated subprocessing priorities. For further info, see Manage Fast Formulas above.

  4. Identify the elements for spousal and child support.

    1. Select and edit the e-IWO Element Information table.

      This table contains a single Element Name row.

      This table contains the following columns.

      • Child Support

      • Spousal Support

    2. Select each row, and specify the Involuntary Deductions elements you defined for spousal and child support.


      The names you specify must match the names you used when you defined the elements through the Elements task.

      For further info, see the Involuntary Deductions Elements section, above.

  5. Specify your employee medical eligibility configuration.

    1. Select and edit the e-IWO Medical Eligibility Information table.

    2. Add a row for each of your TRUs.

    3. Enter the TRU's name as defined using the Legal Reporting Unit task.


      Use the exact name as it appears in the Legal Reporting Unit task.

    4. In the User-Defined Table Values table, select Create from the Actions menu.

    5. Select the TRU, and enter either Y or N to identify if it offers medical coverage to employees by default.

      The employee's Involuntary Deductions card uses this value for the Eligible for Medical Support field on the card component.

    6. Repeat for each TRU.

  6. Specify a fast formula that performs additional order configurations.

    1. Select and edit the e-IWO Additional Configuration Options table.

    2. Add a row, and specify your formula name.


      The name you specify must match the name you used when you defined the formula through the Fast Formulas task.

      For further info, see the User-Defined e-IWO Fast Formula section above.

  7. Click Save and Submit.

How to Configure the e-IWO Flows

Some e-IWO flows require configuration before you can run them.

Flow name

What you can do

How you do it

e-IWO Inbound Report Extract

Specify the emails of the parties responsible for e-IWO validation.

  1. Start the Extract Definition task.

  2. Select your US legislative data group, and search for and select the e-IWO Inbound Report Extract for editing.

  3. In the Hierarchy region of the Edit Extract Definition page, select the Extract Delivery Options node.

  4. In the Extract Delivery Options region, select the e-IWO Inbound row.

  5. In the Additional Details region, specify the required email info. Separate multiple email addresses with commas in the Email Address, CC, or BCC fields.

  6. When finished, click Save and Close.

Upon completion of the e-IWO Process flow, these people receive an email notification with the Audit Report as an attachment.

e-IWO Process

Configure the flow to run on a daily basis.

  1. Run the e-IWO Process flow.

  2. Assign it to a daily schedule. Use the Frequency field on the Schedule tab, and select Daily.

  3. Leave the Start Date and End Date parameters empty.

  4. Populate other values as needed, and click Submit.

Restrict access to the notification reports

The e-IWO Process flow creates employee notification reports for all new and amended e-IWOs. This flow issues these reports to the employees by email and posts them to Document Records.

By default, users with the HR Specialist role have access to these documents through Document Records. If you don't want these users to have access to these reports, you must create a custom role to exclude this document type.

For further info, see Examples of Document Type Security Profiles in the Help Center.

e-IWO Outbound Acknowledgment Process

Change the acknowledgment file naming convention or control number format.

By default, the Acknowledgment file uses the following naming convention: <EIN>_ACK_<time stamp>.XML


  • <EIN> is the employer's primary federal EIN, as you defined through the user-defined tables.

  • <time stamp> is the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second that you generated the file.

Consult with your Implementation Team to change the naming convention or control number format.

Configure the flow to run on a recurring schedule.

You must return the Acknowledgment file to the OCSS within 10 days of receipt of the inbound order file.

  1. Run the e-IWO Outbound Acknowledgment Process flow.

  2. Use the Frequency field on the Schedule tab to assign it to a recurring schedule. Select a period that provides you with sufficient time to resolve all order verification issues and generate the Acknowledgment file, such as daily.

  3. Leave the Start Date and End Date parameters empty.

  4. Populate other values as needed, and click Submit.

For further info, see e-IWO Outbound Acknowledgment Process in the Help Center.

How to Manage Your Historical Data

For proper processing of future e-IWOs, you must maintain sufficient historical involuntary deductions data. For example, when terminating an employee, you must provide all necessary historical data in the Acknowledgment file you issue to the OCSS.

Based on your individual business needs, consider the following regarding historical data management.

  • For involuntary deduction support orders you have already received and are currently processing, load all e-IWO historical data into the storage tables.

  • Convert the historical data into HCM Data Loader .dat file format, and use HCM Data Loader to load it.

  • Upon initial implementation of Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management, when loading your employee data, e-IWO processing doesn't require you to include any historical involuntary deductions data for terminated employees.

To identify a value as historical data, use the Historical Data field. In the Payroll Interface Inbound Records task, search for an employee's e-IWO person data and set this field to Y.