Troubleshoot e-IWOs

When you process a new Electronic Income Withholding Order (e-IWO) inbound file, the e-IWO Process flow validates each order and assigns it a status.

Order status

What it means


Represents orders that were successfully processed. This includes orders that generated the following Office of Child Support Services (OCSS) error codes.

  • B: Employee First Name Mismatch

  • S: e-IWO Obligor Is Suspended Employee

  • W: Employee Is Associated with Incorrect Employer

Orders with this status are considered Accepted on the Acknowledgment file.


Represents orders processed and deemed invalid with the following error codes.

  • B: Employee Last Name Mismatch

  • D: Duplicate IWO

  • N: Noncustodial Parent No Longer an Employee

  • S: e-IWO Obligor Is Suspended Employee

  • U: Noncustodial Parent Not an Employee

  • W: Incorrect FEIN

  • X: Unable to Process Record

  • Z: Unable to Terminate Order

Orders with this status are considered Rejected on the Acknowledgment file.


Represents orders that failed to process due to internal errors, such as service unavailability. You must correct the error and repeat the processing.

Orders with this status aren't included on the Acknowledgment file.


Represents orders the validation flow was unable to process, regardless of reason.

Orders with this status aren't included on the Acknowledgment file.

Depending on the order status and OCSS error code, you must take the appropriate corrective actions.

Valid Orders

The e-IWO validation flow marks valid orders as VALID in the storage table. Take corrective actions in the following cases.

Error code

Error description

What you can do

Error Code B: e-IWO Employee First Name Mismatch

The first name of the obligor on the e-IWO doesn't match the first name in the employer's records.

As this order is considered valid, no action is needed. The e-IWO validation flow associates the order with the person based on their last name and Social Security Number.

However, you can choose to edit the name in the storage table to match. To do this:

  1. Start the Payroll Interface Inbound Records task.

  2. Update Last Name in the storage table.

  3. Update the order status to VALID.

    You don't need to rerun the validation flow.

  4. Run the e-IWO Involuntary Deductions Card Load flow.

  5. Run the e-IWO Inbound Audit Report flow.

Error Code S: e-IWO Recipient Is a Suspended Employee

The obligor recipient of this order is in suspended status. Use the settings in the user-defined tables to indicate how the e-IWO processes handle these orders.

If you elect to consider these orders VALID, the e-IWO Process flow creates or updates the person's Involuntary Deductions card. However, the payroll process doesn't process the order until they transition to an active status.

For further info, see Set Up Processing of e-IWOs in the Help Center.

Error Code W: Incorrect FEIN Received for Employee

The federal EIN listed in the incoming order doesn't match the one associated with the obligor's tax reporting unit.

As this order is considered valid, no action is needed. The e-IWO validation flow associates the order with the person based on their last name and Social Security Number. The e-IWO acknowledgment flow populates the correct EIN in the Corrected EIN field on the Acknowledgment file. It uses the EIN of the tax reporting unit you associated with the employee's primary assignment on their tax card.

Payee Not Found

The e-IWO inbound file validation flow was unable to associate the order's obligee with an existing third-party payee. A default payee was used.

As this order is considered valid, no action is needed. The payroll process calculates the deduction using the default payee. To specify the actual payee for the deduction:

  1. Use the Third-Party Payees task to define the payee as cited in the inbound file.

  2. Start the Calculate Cards task, and open the employee's Involuntary Deductions Card for editing.

  3. Associate the card component with the new payee.

  4. Run the e-IWO Inbound Audit Report flow.


    The Payee Not Found message remains in the Audit Report until you manually remove it. For additional info, see Other Issues below.

  5. Check the employee's Involuntary Deductions card to ensure the deduction is correct.

e-IWO Recipient has Multiple Active Payroll Relationships

For obligors with multiple active payroll relationships:

  • The e-IWO Process flow applies valid incoming orders to each.

  • When you process payroll process, it performs separate deductions for each.

  • If one of the relationships is for a retiree, the flow doesn't add the associated involuntary deduction component to the person's card.

When this scenario occurs, before you process payroll:

  1. Review each active payroll relationship for validity.

  2. End date any relationship that isn't valid.

    No action is needed for valid relationships.

  3. Review the person's Involuntary Deductions card, and end date any orders that were added as a result of the invalid payroll relationship.


If the federal EIN associated with the payroll relationships doesn't match the EIN issued with the order, the e-IWO validation flow designates the order as VALID with Error Code W. If it can't find a federal EIN for the payroll relationship, it marks the order as INVALID with Error Code W.

Recipient has Multiple Work States

In cases where the recipient has multiple work states, the inbound process always uses the issuing state of the order, even if the employee doesn't work there.

When this scenario occurs, before you process payroll:

  1. Use the Calculation Cards task to view the person's Involuntary Deductions card.

  2. Validate the state on the deduction component, and make any changes necessary.

For further info, see How e-IWOs Are Processed When an Obligor has Multiple Payroll Relationships in the Help Center.

Invalid Orders

The e-IWO validation flow marks invalid orders as INVALID in the storage table. You must take corrective actions in the following cases.

Error code

Error description

What you can do

Error Code B: e-IWO Employee Last Name Mismatch

The flow was unable to associate the order with a valid person. The Social Security Number (SSN) matches, but the last name doesn't. For example, this can occur in cases where the person's last name was changed after getting married.

Review the order manually.

  1. Start the Payroll Interface Inbound Records task.

  2. In the Search criteria, select e-IWO.

  3. Perform a search using one or more of the following.

    • Case Identifier

    • Obligor Name

    • Obligor SSN

    • Person Number

  4. Select the person in the search results.

  5. Review the e-IWO data to determine if this is a known employee in your organization.

    If you find one:

    1. Click Edit, and edit the order to match your HR data.

    2. Set the order status to VALID.

      If you leave the status as INVALID, you must run the e-IWO Validation flow.

    3. Run the e-IWO Involuntary Deductions Card Load flow.

    4. Run the e-IWO Inbound Audit Report flow, and resolve any issues returned by the report.

    If the order doesn't match any known person, it's returned in your Acknowledgment file as Rejected.

Error Code D: Duplicate IWO

The order is marked as INVALID because it duplicates all of the following for a preexisting order.

  • ORG Action Code

  • SSN

  • Total Withholding Amount

  • CSE Agency Case ID

  • Remittance ID

  • Order ID

  • Payee Remittance FIPS Code

  • Issuing State

Review the details of both orders. If the new order is a duplicate, it's returned in your Acknowledgment file as Rejected.

If both orders are valid, such as an existing order having been updated to include a different child:

  1. Start the Payroll Interface Inbound Records task.

  2. Change the rejected e-IWO's status to VALID.

  3. Clear the error message in the storage table.

  4. Run the e-IWO Involuntary Deductions Card Load flow.

  5. Run the e-IWO Inbound Audit Report flow.

Error Code N: Noncustodial Parent No Longer an Employee

Order is rejected because the obligor is no longer employed by your organization.

This order is returned in your Acknowledgment file as Rejected.

Error Code S: e-IWO Recipient Is a Suspended Employee

The obligor recipient of this order is in suspended status.

Use the settings in the user-defined tables to indicate how the e-IWO flows handle these orders.

If you choose to consider these orders INVALID, they're reported as Rejected in the Acknowledgment file.

For further info, see Set Up Processing of e-IWOs in the Help Center.

Error Code U: Noncustodial Parent Not an Employee

The SSN of the noncustodial parent identified in the order doesn't match any known person.

This order is reported as Rejected in your Acknowledgment file.

Error Code W: Incorrect Federal EIN

No federal EIN was found for the listed obligor due to the reported employee having no TRU association.

If you can't resolve the missing TRU info, this order is reported as Rejected in your Acknowledgment file.

Error Code X: Unable to Process Record

The record has one or more missing values.

Check for one or more of the following missing values.

  • Payee Name

  • Obligation total amount for the original order

  • Obligor SSN

  • Obligor Last Name

  • Obligor First Name

  • Federal EIN

  • Remittance ID

  • Payee Remittance FIPS Code

This order is reported as Rejected in your Acknowledgment file.

The record has inconsistent obligation frequencies.

Check the support order for different frequencies across obligations.

This order is reported as Rejected in your Acknowledgment file.

The record has inconsistent obligation amounts.

Make sure the sum of the individual obligation amounts is the same as the total amount.

This order is reported as Rejected in your Acknowledgment file.

You received a zero-amount amendment for a nonexistent order.

The e-IWO is a zero-amount amendment to a nonexistent order, and you have elected not to terminate orders upon receipt of a zero-amount amendment.

This order is reported as Rejected in your Acknowledgment file.

Error Code Z: Unable to Terminate Order

The e-IWO Process flow couldn't process the termination order because it was unable to identify an existing e-IWO that matches the following.

  • CSE Agency Case ID

  • Issuing State

  • Order Identifier

  • Payee Remittance FIPS Code

  • Remittance ID

  • SSN

This order is reported as Rejected in your Acknowledgment file.

Failed Orders

When the e-IWO validation flow is unable to process an order, it marks it as FAILED. Take corrective actions in the following cases.


Before you can generate and submit the Acknowledgment file, all orders must be in either:

  • VALID status and successfully loaded to the Involuntary Deductions card

  • INVALID status

If you can't resolve the issue, use the storage table to manually set the order status to INVALID, Error Code X.

Error code

Error description

What you can do

Involuntary Deductions Card Failed to Update

The card import API was unable to update the card because:

  • No valid element was found

  • Date on the e-IWO was earlier than the effective date on the card

To resolve this:

  1. Use the Calculation Cards task to edit the card.

  2. Manually change its effective date to be equal to or earlier than the Document Date on the e-IWO.

  3. Run the e-IWO Involuntary Deductions Card Load Process flow.

  4. Run the e-IWO Inbound Audit Report Process flow if needed.

Internal Errors

The e-IWO Process flow failed to process the inbound file due to an internal error, such as service unavailability.

Resubmit the validation flow.

Lump Sum Orders

The e-IWO Process flow doesn't support lump sum orders.

Manually configure this deduction.

Retiree Orders

The e-IWO Process flow doesn't support orders for retirees.

Process these payments externally.

If the person has multiple payroll relationships, but the order cites the federal EIN of the retiree relationship only, the e-IWO Process flow ignores the retiree relationship and attempts to associate the order with an active employee relationship. In this case, it marks the order as INVALID with Error Code W.

Transfer Process Errors

The e-IWO Process flow failed to update the obligor's Involuntary Deductions card. If it encounters an error, the flow:

  1. Assigns the order a FAILED status.

  2. Passes the error to the Audit Report.

  3. Skips the order, and attempts to continue with the next one.

You must correct these issues before you send your Acknowledgment report to the OCSS. Rerun the e-IWO Involuntary Deductions Card Load flow until all orders are processed.

Including in the Acknowledgment File

To be included in the Acknowledgment file, an order must be one of the following statuses.

  • Accepted

    Be in VALID status and have successfully transferred to the Involuntary Deductions card.

  • Rejected

    Be in INVALID status.

To include failed orders in the file, edit the storage table and manually change the order's status to INVALID, Error Code X.

Unresolved Errors

You can elect to override the order status in cases where:

  • An order has processing issues you can't otherwise resolve.

  • The e-IWO flows have marked it as FAILED.

To manually change an order's status:

  1. Start the Payroll Interface Inbound Records task.

  2. Change the order status from FAILED to INVALID.

  3. Run the e-IWO Inbound Audit Report flow.

Null Orders

The Exception Report portion of the Audit Report lists all orders the validation flow was unable to process, regardless of reason. It identifies these orders as NULL.


Resolve all orders to either VALID or INVALID status before you can generate and submit the employer Acknowledgment file. If you can't resolve the issue, use the storage table to manually set the order status to INVALID, Error Code X.

Error code

Error description

What you can do

Order Not Processed Due to Validation Error

The e-IWO inbound order wasn't processed. The validation flow didn't complete due to an error on a previous order.

Resubmit the validation flow.

Other Issues

The e-IWO flows may encounter the following additional issues.

Error code

Error description

What you can do

Audit Report Includes Messages for Expired Conditions

In cases where the e-IWO Process flow used a default payee for a new order, the Audit Report generates a warning message. However, once you updated the Involuntary Deductions card with the correct payee, the report continues to return this message.

To manually edit the storage tables to remove the error message:

  1. Start the Payroll Interface Inbound Records task.

  2. Edit Message in the storage table to remove the message text.

  3. Run the e-IWO Inbound Audit Report flow.

Orders with Multiple Error Codes

When orders have multiple error codes, the e-IWO Outbound Acknowledgment Process flow uses the following hierarchy to determine which code to include in the Acknowledgment file.

  1. X

  2. W

  3. U

  4. Z

  5. B

  6. N

  7. S

  8. D

Scheduled Process Not Started Due to Outage

A scheduled run was missed due to an outage.

The automated e-IWO Process flow picks up any missed runs during its next scheduled window.

For example, the daily schedule run on Monday was missed due to server downtime. On Tuesday, the flow uptakes the orders transferred into the storage tables in the order they were received.

Scheduled Process Interrupted Due to Outage

The automated e-IWO Process flow started but didn't complete due to an outage.

Manually run the e-IWO Process flow once availability is restored.