Receive and Process e-IWO Inbound Orders

The processing of inbound Electronic Income Withholding Orders (e-IWOs) involves the following areas.

  • Importing the inbound file

  • Processing orders automatically

  • Processing orders manually

  • Amending orders

  • Terminating orders

  • Configuring acknowledgment files

  • Other processing actions

For further info, see the following sections.

How You Can Import the Inbound File

The inbound e-IWO file contains all orders for all eligible obligors as received by the Office of Child Support Services (OCSS) at issuing time. The OCSS pushes these files to your secure FTP server according to the schedule you establish with them.

To import the e-IWO data into your storage tables:

  1. Retrieve the file from the server.

  2. Convert the e-IWO file into a format supported by HCM Data Loader.

  3. Use the e-IWO Process flow to load the .dat file into the storage tables and process the orders.

For further info, see HCM Data Loader: Loading Electronic Income Withholding Orders (2259608.1) on My Oracle Support.

How You Can Process Orders Automatically

Configure the e-IWO Process flow to automatically run on a daily schedule. The following options are available.

  • Scheduling the automatic process

  • Processing the orders

Schedule the Automatic Processing of Inbound Orders

By scheduling the e-IWO Process flow to run on a daily basis, you ensure you capture and process all new incoming orders. However, you still must ensure you have downloaded all new e-IWO inbound files from your server and uploaded the data into your storage tables.

To configure the e-IWO Process flow to check for new inbound orders on a daily basis:

  1. Start the Run e-IWO Process flow.

  2. Assign it to a daily schedule. Select the Daily frequency on the Schedule tab.

  3. Leave Start Date and End Date empty.

  4. Populate other values as needed, and click Submit.

Process the Inbound Orders

Once you have retrieved the inbound order files and converted them to .dat format, you can process the orders.

  1. Start the e-IWO Process flow according to its daily schedule.

    If you received multiple inbound files, it processes them sequentially by date and time.

    If a scheduled run is missed due to an outage, the flow picks up any missed runs during the next scheduled window. For example, the daily schedule run on Monday was missed due to server downtime. On Tuesday, the flow first performs Monday's run and then Tuesday's.

    It runs the following flows.

    e-IWO flow

    What it does

    e-IWO HCM Data Loader Process

    Uses HCM Data Loader to load the e-IWO data into the storage tables.

    e-IWO Validation Process

    Validates the data, categorizing the orders into VALID, INVALID, FAILED, and NULL statuses.

    e-IWO Involuntary Deduction Card Import

    Transfers the data to the obligor Involuntary Deduction cards.

    If the obligor doesn't have an Involuntary Deductions card, it creates one with the appropriate deduction components. If the obligor already has a card, this flow updates it with new components.

    In the case of the obligor having multiple active payroll relationships, a card and its associated component are created for each. For further info, see How e-IWOs Are Processed When an Obligor has Multiple Payroll Relationships in the Help Center.

    e-IWO Inbound Audit Report

    Generates an output report upon completion with three worksheets.

    • e-IWO Summary report

    • Audit Report

      Includes all valid orders loaded to the Involuntary Deductions card.

    • Exception report

      Includes all invalid orders and orders that failed to update the involuntary deduction card.

    e-IWO Employee Notification Report

    Generates PDF reports for all new or amended e-IWOs. It stores these files in Document Records and emails them to the employees.

    For further info, see e-IWO Employee Notification Report in the Help Center.

    This flow notifies parties by email when it completes.

  2. Review the Audit Report for any orders that encountered issues, and resolve them appropriately. To be properly reported in the Acknowledgment file, all orders must be in either VALID or INVALID status.

    For further info, see Troubleshooting e-IWOs in the Help Center.

  3. If the Audit Report indicates that a default payee was used, you must decide if isn't the appropriate payee for this order. If not, you must define one.

    For further info, see Set Up Processing of e-IWOs in the Help Center.

  4. Run the e-IWO Outbound Acknowledgment Process flow to generate the Acknowledgment file.

  5. Post the Acknowledgment file on your secure FTP site.

  6. When you receive the Acknowledgment Result e-IWO file issued from the OCSS, download it from your secure FTP site and review it.

How You Can Process the Orders Manually

In some cases, you must perform the e-IWO processing actions manually, such as where the automatic run of the e-IWO Process flows fails.

  • Processing inbound orders

  • Validating order data

  • Updating employee cards

  • Updating e-IWO data in the storage tables

  • Generating the Audit Report

  • Specifying e-IWO overrides

  • Stopping orders

For further info, see the following sections.

Process the Inbound Orders

Configure this flow to run automatically on a daily basis by default. For further info, see Set Up Processing of e-IWOs in the Help Center.

In cases where the automatic run failed to occur:

  1. Run the e-IWO Process flow.

  2. Leave Start Date and End Date blank to process the file received on the current date.

    If you have multiple files pending across different days, use these fields to identify which to process, based on date received.

  3. Populate other values as needed, and click Submit.

Validate the Order Data

Use the e-IWO Validation flow to manually perform validation of e-IWOs. Do this as part of a system failure recovery or after manually entering an override in the storage tables.

To manually validate your data:

  1. Run these flows.

    • e-IWO Validation Process

    • e-IWO Involuntary Deduction Card Load Process

    • e-IWO Inbound Audit Report

  2. Review all Audit Report errors and messages, and address them appropriately.

  3. Repeat the previous flows until the Audit Report returns clean results.

  4. Run the e-IWO Outbound Acknowledgment Process flow to generate the Acknowledgment file.

Update the Employee Cards

After making manual changes to the e-IWO data in the storage tables:

  1. Run the e-IWO Involuntary Deduction Card Load flow. This flow:

    1. Creates an Involuntary Deductions card for employees that don't have one

    2. For valid orders, updates the employee Involuntary Deductions card

      Depending on the order type, the card is updated with a new order, amends an existing order, or terminates the order.

    3. Adds the following card components, depending on the order.

      • Child Support

      • Spousal Support

  2. Start the e-IWO Inbound Audit Report flow to generate the Audit Report.

  3. Resolve all orders so they're in either VALID or INVALID status.

  4. Run the e-IWO Outbound Acknowledgment Process flow to generate the Acknowledgment file.

Update the e-IWO Data in the Storage Tables

There are cases where you may choose to make manual changes to the storage table data.


What happened

How you fix it

Name Mismatch

The obligor last name cited in the order doesn't match the last name in your HR records.

In some cases, you can manually change the name in the storage tables to match your HR data.

For further info, see Troubleshoot e-IWOs in the Help Center.

Unresolved Errors on Order

An order has processing issues you can't otherwise resolve, and the e-IWO flows have marked it as FAILED.

Change the order status to INVALID Code X to force its inclusion in the Acknowledgment file.

Override Warning Message in Audit File

In cases where the e-IWO Process flow used a default payee for a new order, the Audit Report generates a warning message.

Once you have updated the Involuntary Deductions card with the correct payee, you manually edit the storage tables to remove the error message.

Once the e-IWO Process flow completes, it generates an audit file you can review. However, you can manually review your e-IWO data in the storage tables.

  1. Start the Payroll Interface Inbound Records task.

  2. In the Search criteria, select e-IWO.

  3. Perform a search using one or more of the following.

    • Case Identifier

    • Obligor Name

    • Obligor Social Security Number (SSN)

    • Order Identifier

    • Person Number

    • FIPS Code

  4. Select the person in the search results.

  5. Review the orders according to their statuses.


    What it means


    Represents orders that were successfully processed. This includes orders that generated the following OCSS error codes.

    • B: Employee Name Mismatch

    • S: e-IWO Obligor Is Suspended Employee

    • W: Employee Is Associated with Incorrect Employer


    Represents orders processed and deemed invalid with the following error codes.

    • B: Employee Name Mismatch

    • D: Duplicate IWO

    • N: Noncustodial Parent No Longer an Employee

    • S: e-IWO Obligor Is Suspended Employee

    • U: Noncustodial Parent Not an Employee

    • W: Incorrect FEIN

    • X: Unable to Process Record

    • Z: Unable to Terminate Order


    Represents orders that failed to process due to internal errors, such as service unavailability. You must correct the error and repeat the processing.


    Represents orders the validation process was unable to process, regardless of reason.

  6. Perform any changes necessary to resolve the orders with errors.

    For further info, see the Specifying e-IWO Overrides section below.

  7. Run these processes.

    • e-IWO Validation Process

    • e-IWO Involuntary Deduction Card Load Process

    • e-IWO Inbound Audit Report

  8. Based on the results of the Audit Report, adjust the orders as needed. To be included in the Acknowledgment file, orders must be in either:

    • VALID status and successfully loaded to the Involuntary Deductions card

    • INVALID status

  9. If you have already created the employee notifications, but the changes you made require regenerating them.

    1. Clear the reports' Notification Time Stamp values in the storage tables.

    2. Run the e-IWO Employee Notification Report flow.

  10. Use the e-IWO Outbound Acknowledgment flow to generate the Acknowledgment file, and distribute it.

    If you have already generated the acknowledgment for the affected orders, before you can regenerate it, you must clear the report's Date and Time Notification Sent values in the storage tables.

Generate the Audit Report

Use the e-IWO Inbound Audit Report flow whenever you want to quickly generate the Audit Report after making manual changes to your e-IWO data.

  1. Use the Payroll Interface Inbound Records task to perform any manual changes to the e-IWO data in the storage tables.

  2. Start the e-IWO Inbound Audit Report flow to generate the Audit Report.

  3. Resolve all orders so they're in either VALID or INVALID status.

  4. Run the e-IWO Acknowledgment flow to generate the Acknowledgment file.

Specify e-IWO Overrides

Once you have loaded the e-IWOs into the storage tables, you can override the following values.

e-IWO Person Information region

Override fields

e-IWO Process Information

  • Validation Status

  • Validation Rejection Code

  • Validation Message

  • All Validation Rejection Codes

  • Notification Time Stamp

  • Transfer Status

  • Comments

  • Historical Data

e-IWO Acknowledgment Information

  • Acknowledgment Time Stamp

  • Error Field Name1

  • Error Field Name2

  • Multiple Error Indicator

  • Exclude Order

  • Corrected EIN

  • Acknowledgment Control Number

  • Document Code

  • Acknowledgment File Name

e-IWO Employer-Initiated Acknowledgment Information

  • Acknowledgment Time Stamp

  • Document Action Code

  • Exclude Order

  • Termination Date

  • Last Payment Amount

  • Last Payment Date

  • Acknowledgment Control Number

  • Document Code

  • Acknowledgment File Name

e-IWO Order Information

  • Employee Last Name

  • Employee First Name

  • Employee Middle Name

  • Employee Suffix

To do so:

  1. Start the Payroll Interface Inbound Records task.

  2. In the Search criteria, select e-IWO.

  3. Perform a search using one or more of the following.

    • Case Identifier

    • Obligor Name

    • Obligor SSN

    • Order Identifier

    • Person Number

    • FIPS Code

  4. Select the person in the search results.

  5. Review their e-IWO data, and if necessary, click Edit to make changes.

  6. When finished, run the e-IWO Validation flow.

  7. Run the e-IWO Involuntary Deductions Card flow.

  8. Run the e-IWO Inbound Audit Report flow.

  9. Review the Audit Report for errors. To be included in the Acknowledgment file, orders must be in either:

    • VALID status and successful loaded to the Involuntary Deductions card

    • INVALID status

  10. Create employee notifications with the e-IWO Employee Notification Report flow.

  11. Run the e-IWO Outbound Acknowledgment flow to generate the Acknowledgment file, and distribute it.

Stop an Order

To manually stop a deduction, use the Calculation Cards task. End date the appropriate component and any overrides.

How You Can Amend Orders

When the e-IWO Process flow receives an order with an Amended document action code, it doesn't consider the order amended unless it matches the following of an existing order.

  • SSN

  • Remittance ID

  • Order Identifier

  • Payee Remittance FIPS Code

  • CSE Case Identifier

If the order doesn't match these criteria, the flow evaluates it as a new order. It categorizes the order as either VALID or INVALID, depending on the outcome of the validation flow.

Kind of order you want to amend

How you do it

Existing orders

When you receive an amendment order for an existing e-IWO, the flow updates the data appropriately.

In cases where the inbound order is reporting a change in the amount, the order provides the new amount. The e-IWO Involuntary Deductions Card Load flow modifies the card component with the new order amount.

New orders

When you receive an amendment order for an obligor that doesn't have a corresponding e-IWO, it may mean they had an order with a previous employer.

In these cases, the e-IWO Involuntary Deductions Card Load flow creates a new card component as if the order is a new one.

Terminated orders

Some states use amended orders with zero amounts to indicate a termination order.

For further info, see the Terminating Through Zero-Amount Amendments section below.

How You Can Terminate Orders

When the e-IWO Process flow receives an order with a termination action code, it doesn't consider the order terminated unless it matches the following of an existing order.

  • SSN

  • Remittance ID

  • Order Identifier

  • Payee Remittance FIPS Code

  • CSE Case Identifier

What you want to do

How you do it

Terminate individual orders

When you receive a valid termination order, the e-IWO Process flow end dates the relevant component on the obligor's Involuntary Deductions card.

Terminate through zero-amount amendments

Some states issue a zero-amount amendment as notification that they're terminating the order. The e-IWO Process flow considers amendment orders as termination orders when the total withholding amount is 0 USD or blank and the order matches the following of an existing order.

  • SSN

  • Last Name

  • Remittance ID

  • Payee Remittance FIPS Code

  • CSE Case Identifier

  • FIPS Code

For the e-IWO Process flow to correctly handle these amendments, identify which states consider them as terminations and which don't.

To identify these states, use the User-Defined Tables task. Set the Terminate Order for Zero-Amount Amendment value in the e-IWO Configuration Default Settings table. The default is to terminate the order.

Issue an employee termination notification

When you terminate an employee, you must notify the OCSS of the change of status. Do this by generating an employer-initiated Acknowledgment file.

To report an employee termination to the OCSS, the person's e-IWO data must already be in the storage tables through one of the following mechanisms.

  • Loaded through an inbound order and in active status

  • Loaded manually through historical data


If the e-IWO data isn't in the storage table, you must manually generate and submit the Acknowledgment file.

For further info, see the Configure Acknowledgment Files section below.

How You Can Configure Acknowledgment Files

The e-IWO Outbound Acknowledgment Process flow can run automatically according to a recurring schedule. When you create this schedule, you identify the kinds of orders it captures. For further info, see the Set Up Processing of e-IWOs in the Help Center.

In addition to this schedule, the following actions are available.

  • Generate employer-initiated Acknowledgment files

  • Exclude orders from the Acknowledgment file

Generate Employer-Initiated Acknowledgment Files

You must perform an employer-initiated acknowledgment for the following cases.

Acknowledgment type

What it means

Employee Termination

Notifies the OCSS that the reported obligor is no longer an employee of this employer. To report an employee termination, the person's e-IWO data must already be in the storage tables.

  • Loaded through an inbound order and in active status

  • Loaded manually through historical data


If the e-IWO data isn't in the storage table, you must manually generate and submit the Acknowledgment file.

Lump Sum

You must generate this file manually.

To generate employer-initiated Acknowledgment files.

  1. For terminations, update the storage table with:

    • Amount of the final payment

    • Employer Initiated document action code

    This identifies the order as employer-initiated.

    You can also provide the termination date and final payment date.

  2. Start the e-IWO Outbound Acknowledgment Process flow.

  3. Select Employer initiated as the document action code.

  4. Populate the other fields as needed.


This flow doesn't include any orders marked for employer-initiated exclusion. Check the exclusion status through the Exclude Order option in the Acknowledgment Information region of the storage table.

For further info, see Excluding Orders from the Acknowledgment Flow below.

Exclude Orders from the Acknowledgment Flow

To manually exclude an order from the acknowledgment flow:

  1. Start the Payroll Interface Inbound Records task.

  2. In the Search criteria, select e-IWO.

  3. Perform a search using one or more of the following.

    • Case Identifier

    • Obligor Name

    • Obligor SSN

    • Order Identifier

    • Person Number

    • FIPS Code

  4. Select the person in the search results.

  5. To exclude the order from the standard run schedule, select Exclude Order in the e-IWO Acknowledgment Information region.

    To exclude the order from employer-initiated runs, select Exclude Order in the e-IWO Employer-Initiated Acknowledgment Information region.

Other Processing Actions You Can Perform

You can perform the following additional actions.

  • Diagnostic tests

  • Override medical eligibility for specific employees

  • Process lump sum orders

  • Process orders for retirees

  • Process orders for suspended employees


The e-IWO Process flow doesn't support all of these. Some require manual intervention on the part of the user. See the following sections for details.

Diagnostic Tests

The Diagnostic Dashboard provides following diagnostic tests for e-IWO processing.


How you use it

US e-IWO HDL Loader Diagnostic Details

US e-IWO UDT Configuration Diagnostic Details

Verify your order data before and after running the e-IWO Process flow.

US e-IWO Process Diagnostic Details

Use this test in conjunction with the Audit Report to identify and resolve issues after running the e-IWO Process flow.

For further info, see Diagnostic Tests for the US in the Help Center.

Override Medical Eligibility for Specific Employees

You set the default medical eligibility for your TRUs using the user-defined tables. To override that value for a specific employee, use the Eligible for Medical Support field in the US Involuntary Deduction Data region of their Involuntary Deductions card.

For further info, see Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for United States: Payroll Involuntary Deductions (1597039.1) on My Oracle Support.

Process Lump Sum Orders

The e-IWO Process flow doesn't support lump sum orders. Upon receipt of an order, the flow marks it as FAILED in the e-IWO storage table. In these cases, you must manually configure and process the deduction.

Process Orders for Retirees

The e-IWO Process flow doesn't support orders for employees of retiree type. Upon receipt of an order, the flow marks it as FAILED in the e-IWO storage table. In these cases, you must manually configure and process the deduction.

Process Orders for Suspended Employees

When the e-IWO Process flow receives an order for a suspended employee, how it handles the order depends on your settings in the user-defined tables.

  • If you elected to reject these orders, the flow assigns them INVALID status with the Code S error message.

  • If you elected to accept them, the flow marks them as VALID with the Code S error message and creates or updates the employee's Involuntary Deductions card. The payroll process doesn't process the order until the employee transitions to an active status.

For further info, see Set Up Processing of e-IWOs in the Help Center.