Integrate with Oracle Analytics Cloud

Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service lets you sync asset, metric, and incident data with Oracle Analytics Cloud. You can use analyses, projects, and dashboards in Analytics Cloud to find the answers that you need from key IoT asset data displayed in graphical formats.


Oracle Analytics Cloud integration is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

An analysis is a query against your organization's IoT asset data that provides you with answers to business questions. For example, you may want to know the asset-wise incident numbers. Analyses enable you to explore and interact with information visually in tables, graphs, pivot tables, and other data views. You can also save, organize, and share the results of analyses with others.

A project enables you to dynamically explore multiple data sets in graphical way, all within a single interface. So, for example, you can combine the asset, metric, and incident data sets in a project. You can upload data from many commonly used data sources to create robust sets of information within project visualizations.

Dashboards can include multiple analyses to give you a complete and consistent view of your company’s information across all departments and operational data sources. Dashboards provide you with personalized views of information in the form of one or more pages, with each page identified with a tab at the top. Dashboard pages display anything that you have access to or that you can open with a web browser including analyses results, images, text, links to websites and documents, and embedded content such as web pages or documents.

For detailed information on Analytics Cloud, refer to the Oracle Analytics Cloud Help Center Resources.

Add an Oracle Analytics Cloud Integration

Use the Integrations page in Oracle Internet of Things (IoT) Asset Monitoring Cloud Service to add an integration for Oracle Analytics Cloud.

Before you configure Oracle Analytics Cloud integration, make sure your Oracle Analytics Cloud host is trusted by your Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications Cloud domain.

Host names with and suffixes are always allowed. If your Oracle Analytics Cloud domain name is different, then add the domain as a trusted CN in the Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications Cloud management console. To do this, add * under Trusted CN in the Settings page.

Shows Example Trusted CN: *

You can access your Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications Cloud management console at the following URL:


Here, hostname is the host name of your Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications Cloud instance.

To enable integration with Oracle Analytics Cloud:
  1. In Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service, click Menu (Menu icon), and then click Settings.

    You can access Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service at the following URL:


    Here, hostname is the host name of your Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications Cloud instance.

    If you are in the Design Center, you need to click Previous (Previous icon) before you see the Settings option in the menu.
  2. Click Integrations.
  3. Click Add Add icon to add a new integration.
  4. In the Add Integration dialog, select Oracle Analytics Cloud Service and click Add.
    Tip: You can also search for an integration name in the list.

    Add Integration Dialog (Described in Steps)

    Oracle Analytics Cloud Service integration gets added to the Integrations page.

Enable and Configure the Oracle Analytics Cloud Integration

To start using Oracle Analytics Cloud integration, enable and configure the integration for Oracle Analytics Cloud Service on the Integrations page.

  1. In Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service, click Menu (Menu icon), and then click Settings.
  2. Click Integrations.
  3. Under Oracle Analytics Cloud Service, select Oracle Analytics Cloud Enabled.
  4. Specify the connection details for your Oracle Analytics Cloud instance.
    1. Specify the Endpoint URL for connecting to Analytics Cloud.

      Use the following format: http://hostname:port.

    2. Specify the User Name to connect to Analytics Cloud.
    3. Specify the Password for the Analytics Cloud user.
  5. Click Sync Data to OAC to sync the asset, metric, and incident data with your Analytics Cloud instance.
    The Sync Report shows details on the status of the sync process.
    The default sync interval between Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service and Oracle Analytics Cloud is 24 hours. However, you can manually sync the data at any time.
  6. (Optional) Under Download OAC Project, click Download if you wish to save a sample Analytics Cloud project that you can later import into your Analytics Cloud instance.

    The sample project contains sample data sets and visualizations based on the IoT asset, metric, and incident data.

    You can import the sample project into your Oracle Analytics Cloud instance to look at how the various IoT data sets can be joined, used to perform analyses, and create visualizations.

  7. (Optional) Click Download CSV Data to download a zip file containing the csv (comma-separated value) files for your asset, metric, and incident data.

    You may want to download the csv data to keep historical records that you can later import and analyze in Analytics Cloud.

    You can import the csv files into your Analytics Cloud instance as data set files.

Import the Sample Project in Analytics Cloud

You can import the sample project downloaded from the Settings page in Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service into Analytics Cloud.

  1. If not done already, download the Analytics Cloud project file from the Integrations page of Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service.
    Under Download OAC Project, click Download. See Enable and Configure the Oracle Analytics Cloud Integration for more information.
  2. In Oracle Analytics Cloud, click Page Menu in the Projects page.
  3. Click Import.
  4. Select the .dva file that you downloaded from Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service, and click Import.
    A confirmation message appears.
  5. Double click the imported project on the Projects page to open it.

    You can next inspect the various data sets, calculations, data diagrams, and visualizations included in the project.

    Project window

    For more details on working in Oracle Analytics Cloud, refer to the Analytics Cloud Documentation.

Create a New Project in Analytics Cloud Using IoT Data

After you have enabled Analytics Cloud integration in Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service, you can use the synchronized asset, metric, and incident data sets to perform data analyses and create dashboards in Analytics Cloud.

  1. From the Oracle Analytics Cloud home page, click Create and choose Project.

    You can also choose to click Create from the Project page.

    The Add Data Set Dialog appears.

  2. Choose one or more data sets synchronized from Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service.

    The following data sets are available from Asset Monitoring:

    • IoTAMAssets: Contains IoT asset data from Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service.

    • IoTAMIncidents: Contains IoT incident data from Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service.

    • IoTAMMetrics: Contains IoT metrics (or KPIs) data from Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service.

    • IoTAMAssetTypes: Contains IoT asset type data from Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service.

    You can also create joins between two or more data set tables in Oracle Analytics Cloud to create visualizations on related data.

  3. Prepare your data and use the data to create visualizations and narrations.

    You can create calculated columns in your data set tables. You can also create joins between two or more data set tables in Oracle Analytics Cloud to create visualizations on related data.

    Tip: You may often want to connect the asset and incident data to create reports, such as Incident report by Assets. You may want to link the asset identifiers present in the id field of the Assets table to the asset ids present in the contextInformation field of the Incidents table. You can make use of various functions, such as Split and Replace to extract information from complex columns. You can also refer to the data diagram in the sample project for ideas.

    Refer to Oracle Analytics Cloud documentation for detailed information on Visualizing Data and Building Reports in Oracle Analytics Cloud.