Integrate Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance with Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service

You can import assets from Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance into Oracle Internet of Things (IoT) Asset Monitoring Cloud Service.

You can choose the Oracle Internet of Things (IoT) Asset Monitoring Cloud Service organization into which your Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance assets are imported. Alternatively, you can choose to create one-to-one mappings between Oracle SCM Cloud organizations and Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service organizations. Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service then creates a separate organization for each Oracle SCM Cloud organization from which assets are imported.

After you import assets and associate them with sensors, an incident generated for an imported asset in Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service automatically generates a work order in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance. For example, if a threshold rule triggers an incident when a device associated with an asset overheats, a work order that corresponds to the incident is automatically created in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance.

When you release, close, cancel, or modify a work order in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance, the status of the corresponding incident is automatically updated in Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service. You can configure the synchronization frequency between Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service and Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance.


If you manually modify the status of an incident in Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service, the change is not synchronized with the work order in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance.

See Also: Integrate Oracle Maintenance Cloud with Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud in the Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide.

Add an Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance Integration

Use the Integrations page in Oracle Internet of Things (IoT) Asset Monitoring Cloud Service to add an integration for Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance.

Before you configure Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance integration, make sure your Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance host is trusted by your Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications Cloud domain.

Host names with and suffixes are always allowed. If your Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance domain name is different, then add the domain as a trusted CN in the Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications Cloud management console. To do this, add * under Trusted CN in the Settings page.

Shows Example Trusted CN: *

You can access your Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications Cloud management console at the following URL:


Here, hostname is the host name of your Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications Cloud instance.

To enable integration with Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance:
  1. In Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service, click Menu (Menu icon), and then click Settings.

    You can access Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service at the following URL:


    Here, hostname is the host name of your Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications Cloud instance.

    If you are in the Design Center, you need to click Previous (Previous icon) before you see the Settings option in the menu.
  2. Click Integrations.
  3. Click Add Add icon to add a new integration.
  4. In the Add Integration dialog, select Oracle Maintenance Cloud Service and click Add.
    Tip: You can also search for an integration name in the list.

    Add Integration Dialog (Described in Steps)

    Oracle Maintenance Cloud Service integration gets added to the Integrations page.
  5. On the Integrations page, under Oracle Maintenance Cloud Service, click Connect.
  6. Specify the Service URL for your Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance instance.
    The Service URL is the URL of your Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance host. No port number is necessary here.
    For example:
  7. Specify the User Name for your Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance instance.
  8. Specify the Password for your Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance instance.
  9. Click Verify Connectivity to verify connectivity to the Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance instance.
    If the connection succeeds, then the Save button gets enabled.
  10. Click Save to save the connection settings.

Enable and Configure the Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance Integration

To start using Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance integration, enable and configure the integration for Oracle Maintenance Cloud Service on the Integrations page.

  1. In Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service, click Menu (Menu icon), and then click Settings.
    If you are in the Design Center, you need to click Previous (Previous icon) before you see the Settings option in the menu.
  2. Click Integrations.
  3. Under Oracle Maintenance Cloud Service, click Edit Configuration.
  4. Toggle the Integration Status switch to ON.
    This enables your Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance integration.
  5. Specify the Synchronization frequency in minutes.
    The sync frequency determines how often Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service syncs with Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance.
  6. Click Save to save your configuration settings.
  7. (Optional) Select the Object Storage Integration to use for storing external data received from Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance.
    External data such as asset data, work order data, and maintenance schedules from Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance can be stored and used to analyze asset failure patterns. Learning work-flows, and associated analytics entities, are then created to suggest optimal maintenance schedules for Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance.
  8. If you chose Object Storage Integration, then specify a corresponding Object Storage Container name, or bucket name, to store the Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance data.
  9. Under Oracle SCM Organizations Mapping, map your Oracle SCM Cloud organizations to one or more Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud organizations.
    • One to One: Lets you create one-to-one mappings between Oracle SCM Cloud organizations and Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service organizations. Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service automatically creates a separate organization for each Oracle SCM Cloud organization from which assets are imported. This helps separate the assets into their respective organizations in Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service.
    • Many to One: Lets you choose one organization in Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service where your Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance assets are imported. Assets imported from different Oracle SCM Cloud organizations are imported into the same Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service organization.

      Select an IoT Organization to use for the many-to-one mapping.


    If you change the mapping settings for an existing Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance integration, the changed mapping applies to assets from new Oracle SCM Cloud organizations only. The already mapped Oracle SCM Cloud organizations are not affected.

Automatically Sync New Assets and Asset Attribute Updates

Set up Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance to automatically sync new assets with your Oracle Internet of Things (IoT) Asset Monitoring Cloud Service instance. Updates to asset attributes in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance are also pushed to Oracle Internet of Things (IoT) Asset Monitoring Cloud Service.

You need to add your Oracle Internet of Things (IoT) Asset Monitoring Cloud Service information in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance.
  1. In Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance, click Menu Menu icon, and then click Setup and Maintenance.
  2. Click Tasks Tasks Iconand click Search.
    Alternatively, you can select Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management under Setup.
  3. Search for the following string: Manage Asset Maintenance Parameters.
  4. Click Manage Asset Maintenance Parameters in the search results.
  5. Click Enable IoT and specify the connection details for your Oracle Internet of Things (IoT) Asset Monitoring Cloud Service instance.
    • URL: Use the following format:


      Here, hostname is the host name of your Oracle Internet of Things Intelligent Applications Cloud instance.

    • User Name: Specify the user name for connecting to your Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service instance.
    • Password: Specify the password for connecting to your Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service instance.


      If you change the password for connecting to your Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service instance in future, then you must update the password in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance.
  6. Click Save and Close.
See Also: How Assets are Synchronized with Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud in the Oracle SCM Cloud Using Maintenance guide.

Configure Rules to Generate Automatic Work Orders

Configure rules to automatically create work orders in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance when an incident is created in Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service.

When creating incident rules in Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service, an additional Work Order section appears for assets imported from Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance.

For basic information on using rules in Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service, refer to Use Rules to Monitor and Maintain Assets.

If you are creating a rule to generate an incident for an imported asset, click Create Work Order in Maintenance Cloud.

Work Order Section in Rules Page

If you have defined condition event codes in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance for your IoT assets, then you can pass the event code corresponding to the incident back to Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance. Select the Event Codes to pass to Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance when the incident rule is triggered.

See Also: How You Manage Condition Event Codes in the Oracle SCM Cloud Using Maintenance guide.

You can define maintenance programs in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance to act on the incident based on the event code passed back by Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service. The maintenance program can trigger one or more work orders in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance based on the reported incident.

For example, when a low amperage condition is detected for an HVAC device in Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service, a maintenance program in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance triggers the HVAC oil check and motor check work orders.
Maintenance Program Definition in Oracle Maintenance Cloud

Verify and Update the Work Orders in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance

When an incident is created for an imported asset in Oracle Internet of Things (IoT) Asset Monitoring Cloud Service, a corresponding work order is automatically created in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance.

See Also: How Work Orders Are Automatically Created with Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud in the Oracle SCM Cloud Using Maintenance guide.


The scheduler job synchronizes Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance with Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service every 5 minutes.

  1. Sign in to your Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance instance.
  2. Navigate to Maintenance Management.
  3. Under Tasks, select Manage Maintenance Work Orders.
  4. Click Search Filters to specify criteria, such as the asset name and work order creation time, for your search.
  5. Select one or more work order rows from the search results.
    • Click Release to release the selected work orders.
    • Click Mass Action to change the status of the work orders.
    When you change the status of a work order in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance, the status of the incident in Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service is automatically updated. For example, when you release a work order in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance, the status of the corresponding incident in Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service changes from New to Open. When you close or cancel a work order, the status for the associated incident changes to Withdrawn.

Verify Incident Status Updates in Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service

When you change the status of a work order in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance, the associated incident status is automatically updated in Oracle Internet of Things (IoT) Asset Monitoring Cloud Service.


The scheduler job synchronizes Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance with Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud Service every 5 minutes.

  1. To open the Incidents page, click Incidents (Incidents icon) in the Operations Center menu bar. The incidents applicable for your current context appear. You can change your context from the breadcrumbs to navigate to a different group, subgroup, or asset.
  2. Use one of the following methods to verify the status of an incident:
    • In the Incidents table, view the Status column value that corresponds to the incident.
    • Search for the incident by using incident filters.

Use Asset and Work Order Maintenance Cloud Links

You can use the Assets page to open an imported asset directly in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance. You can also open a maintenance work order linked to an asset incident from the Incidents page.

Use the Operations Center > Assets page or the Design Center > Asset Inventory to view your assets. Choose the View in Maintenance Cloud option against an asset row to open the imported asset directly in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance.
View Imported Asset in Maintenance Cloud

When a rule incident has an associated work order, you can open the work order directly in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance from the Incidents page in Operations Center. The link is available under the Maintenance Cloud Work Orders section for the incident.
Incident Work Order Link

Automatically Update Asset Meters in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance with IoT Data

Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance assets can use meters corresponding to asset attribute values. You can update these meter readings automatically using IoT sensor values.

IoT data coming from devices is automatically pushed to asset meters in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance. The maintenance supervisor can see the data directly coming from the devices without having to physically access the asset, facilitating preventive maintenance.

For example, the following image shows sample Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance meter readings, which represent the odometer and fuel usage values from sensor devices of a forklift device.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance meter readings for a forklift

See Also: How Meter Readings Are Automatically Created with Oracle IoT Asset Monitoring Cloud in the Oracle SCM Cloud Using Maintenance guide.

If you already have assets with meters in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance, these meters are imported along with the assets when you import the assets into Oracle Internet of Things (IoT) Asset Monitoring Cloud Service.
  1. In Oracle Internet of Things (IoT) Asset Monitoring Cloud Service, edit the imported asset type to add sensor attributes corresponding to the Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance meters.
    For example, if you have imported forklift assets that use meters for fuel and distance, you need to add sensor attributes corresponding to the fuel meter and odometer.

    Adding sensor attributes for imported asset type

    See Edit an Asset Type for more information on editing an asset type to add sensor attributes.

  2. Edit the asset to link the sensor attributes to their corresponding sensor devices.
    1. On the Edit Asset page for an imported asset, click Link to Device against your sensor attribute and associate the sensor attribute to its corresponding device.

      Clicking Link to Device

      Selecting the device and device attribute

      For more information on editing assets, see Edit Asset Details.

    2. Repeat the previous step for any more sensor attributes that you created.
  3. Associate the sensor attributes with their corresponding Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance meters.
    1. Under the Maintenance Cloud Meters section on the Edit Asset page, select Linked Sensor Attribute corresponding to each Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance meter.

      Associate meters with sensor attributes

    2. Click Save on the Edit Asset page.
The scheduler job sends meter readings back to Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance once every day.