21 Integrate Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service with Other Applications

Use integrations to share information between Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service and other applications. You can integrate Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service with payroll, customer relationship management (CRM), and supply chain management (SCM) applications.

Application integration provides numerous benefits, including:

  • Increased agility. Respond to customer requests and business opportunities more quickly.

  • Information sharing. Integration allows information to flow between separate applications operating inside and outside your business.

  • Process automation. Streamline processes that include data from multiple applications. For example, incident information can be integrated with data from your CRM application to help you respond to and resolve customer issues more quickly.

  • Reduced complexity. Integration combines the information and functionality of multiple applications into a single, easy-to-use interface.

Integrations let you realize the full benefit of your software investment. Integrate with other applications to use all of the data you collect as fully as possible.

Understand Built-In Integrations

Built-in integrations simplify integrating Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service with your existing applications. Integrations can be completed quickly without coding or development.

Using a built-in integration removes the complexity of applications integration. There is no need to learn and code to a vendor’s API. The built-in connectors take care of the integration for you. Harness the data available in all of your applications by integrating together in a single, user friendly interface.

Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service provides the following built-in integrations with existing Oracle Cloud Applications:

Build Custom Integrations with REST APIs

A custom integration integrates Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service features into an enterprise application created by your development team. The development team can use the REST API to implement a corporate look and feel and provide functionality to meet your unique business requirements.