Integrate with Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace

The integration of Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace with Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud enables the fleet monitoring app to send periodic updates about shipments to Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace, which includes their geo-location, telemetry attributes and date/time of events.

What is Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace?

Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace is a blockchain application that lets businesses to manage, track, trace, and monitor transaction documents in their supply chain network. The application tracks the status of all the business flows between the business partners and monitors the associated transaction documents such as, work orders, purchase orders, sales orders, invoice orders, receiving receipts, shipment documents, and many more.

Need for Integrating with Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud

In a supply chain network, shipments are transported from the manufacturer to the supplier, from the supplier to the distributor, or from the distributor to the retailer. Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace leverages the capabilities of Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud to obtain real-time updates about a shipment's location, telemetry attributes, or occurrence of an event, such as a shipment's arrival or departure from a stop.

About the Integration

Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud provides out-of-the-box integration with Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace. The application monitors shipment data through vehicle sensors and periodically pushes the data to Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace that uses the shipment data for its business flows.

Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud sends periodic updates, which contain shipment data, such as its geo-location, attribute values of temperature or humidity of the shipment's vehicle, and date or time of an event. Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace utilizes this shipment information to effectively trace the entity that is being tracked and monitored.

Steps to Configure the Integration

To configure the out-of-the-box integration, you need to complete the following steps:
  1. Configure Oracle Fleet Monitoring Cloud

  2. Establish a communication channel between Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace and Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud

  3. Associate integration endpoints and configure filters in Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace

For Step 1, as an administrator, complete Connect to an Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace Instance.

After performing Step 1, to complete Step 2 and Step 3, see Integrate with Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud.

Connect to an Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace Instance

To send periodic shipment updates to Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace, you provide its instance URL, credentials, and a value for a configurable parameter that denotes the frequency of sending the geo-location data.

An administrator can create the integration in Default Organization or switch to the appropriate organization before creating the integration. You need to obtain the endpoint URL of Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace and the credentials to access it.
  1. Click the Menu (Menu icon) icon, and then click Design Center.
  2. From the Design Center menu options, click Organization.
  3. Click the Integrations (Integration icon) icon.
  4. On the Integrations page, click Intelligent Track and Trace.
  5. Click Connect to ITT.
  6. Enter the values for these fields:
    • URL: The endpoint URL of the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace instance to which shipment data has to be sent.


      You need to obtain the relevant endpoint URL from the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace instance. An example of such an endpoint URL is
    • User Name: The user name to access the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace instance.

    • Password: The password to access the Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace instance.

    Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace Connection Screen

  7. Click Verify Connectivity and ensure that you receive a connection successful message.
  8. Click Save.
  9. On the Integrations page, your integration is listed. Click Edit Connection Details ( Edit icon) to modify the connection details or click Delete (Delete icon) to remove the integration.
  10. To configure the integration, click Configure ITT Integration.
  11. On the ITT Configuration dialog box, enable or enter values for these fields:
    • Integration Status: Enable the slide bar to activate the integration.

    • Send all sensor attributes: Enable the slide bar to ensure all the associated sensor attributes' values are sent .

      If you disable, none of the attribute values are sent.

    • Polling Time (min): Enter a value in minutes that provides the frequency at which the shipment data are sent to Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace.

      By default, the value is 30 minutes and a value less than 5 minutes is not supported.

    Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace Configuration

  12. Click Save.

    After you've configured the integration, to push shipment data, configure the integration in Oracle Intelligent Track and Trace, see Integrate with Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud.