16 Send Notifications for Incidents or Alerts

Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service integrates with the Twilio SMS service to help provide seamless SMS notifications. You can also use the default SMTP account, or your own SMTP server, for sending out email notifications. To send notifications to a webhook, configure a HTTP subscriber.

You can configure Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service to send SMS notifications for incidents or alerts When a rule triggers an incident or an alert, SMS notifications are sent to all configured subscribers on their mobile devices.

You can also send out email notifications for incidents. When a rule triggers an incident or an alert, email notifications are sent to all configured subscribers.

SMS and email notifications eliminate the need to monitor the Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service application continuously. All subscribers are actively informed about incidents or alerts that need attention. You can then use the Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service mobile application or web interface to look at, and address, the issues.

To use the SMS notification service, you must have a Twilio account subscription. Add your Twilio account information to Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service to start using the notification service. After adding your account, you can add subscribers that need to receive these notifications, and select the rules that should send the notifications.

To use email notifications, you can use the built-in, default SMTP account. The default account has a usage limit of 100,000 messages. Alternatively, you can use your own SMTP server to channel Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service email notifications. After choosing your SMTP account, you can add subscribers that need to receive these notifications, and select the rules that should send the notifications.

To send notifications to external webhooks, you configure an HTTP provider by adding a web URL of the external system and its authentication information. A rule that is configured with a webhook subscription, when triggered will transmit an incident or alert event payload to the HTTP server


Whenever the admin configures an integration with Oracle Transportation Management Cloud (OTM), then a notification account of type HTTP provider is automatically configured by using the OTM URL and credentials.

Add Your SMS Notification Account Details

To start using the notification feature, add your notification account details in Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service. For SMS notifications, add your Twilio account details.

Make sure that the IoT administrator has already added the Twilio domain as a trusted CN in the Oracle Fusion Cloud IoT Intelligent Applications management console. To do this, the administrator adds *.twilio.com under Trusted CN in the Settings page.
To add the notification account details globally in Oracle IoT Intelligent Applications:
  1. Click Menu (Menu icon), and then click Settings.
  2. Click Notification Accounts Notifications icon.
  3. Click Add (Add icon).
  4. Enter a Name for your notification account.
    For example, My Twilio Account.
  5. Select your Provider.
    Oracle integrates with Twilio, as the third-party notification service provider.
  6. Enter the SID for your Twilio account.
    This is your Twilio account SID that you can get from your Twilio console.
  7. Enter the Authentication Token associated with your Twilio account.
    You can get the authorization or authentication token from your Twilio console.
  8. Enter the Sender Phone No for notification messages.
    The sender phone number is provided by Twilio, and can be generated in your Twilio account.
  9. Click Create to add the notification account.
You can next add subscribers or recipients for the SMS notifications.

Add Your Email Notification Account Details

To start using the email notification feature, you can use the built-in, default SMTP service in Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service. Alternatively, you can add your own SMTP server to send unlimited email notifications.

The default SMTP service in Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service lets you send limited email notifications. The usage limit is 100,000 messages per cycle. If your usage needs are different, you can add your own SMTP notification account.

Make sure that the IoT administrator has already added the SMTP domain as a trusted CN in the Oracle Fusion Cloud IoT Intelligent Applications management console. To do this, the administrator adds *.yourSMTPdomain.com under Trusted CN in the Settings page.

To add the SMTP notification account details that is globally applicable in organizations of Oracle IoT Intelligent Applications:
  1. Click Menu (Menu icon), and then click Settings.
  2. Click Notification Account Notifications icon.
  3. Click Add (Add icon).
  4. Enter a Name for your notification account.
    For example, My SMTP Account.
  5. Under Provider, select SMTP.
  6. Enter the User Name and Password for your SMTP account.
  7. Enter the SMTP Host server name.
  8. Enter the SMTP Port.
    The default port number is 465.
  9. Under From, enter the sender email ID to be used for sending email notifications.
  10. Optionally select Use TLS (Transport Layer Security) to secure SMTP with an encryption protocol.
  11. Click Create to create the notification account.
You can next add subscribers or recipients for the email notifications.

Add the HTTP Server Details

To start using the notification feature, add your notification account details in Oracle IoT Fleet Monitoring Cloud Service. For sending messages to an HTTP Server, add the details such as the HTTP Server's URL that'll consume the notification messages and its credentials.

To add the notification account details of an HTTP Server, globally in Oracle IoT Intelligent Applications:
  1. Click Menu (Menu icon), and then click Settings.
  2. Click Notification Accounts Notifications icon.
  3. Note:

    On the Settings > Notifications Accounts page, the HTTP provider account for Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) is preseeded and configured.
    To add a new notification account.,click Add (Add icon).
  4. On the Create Notification Account dialog. Select the Provider as HTTP.
  5. Enter a Name for your notification account.
  6. Enter the URL of the HTTP server that will be receive and consume the notification payload.
    The URL is provided by the external server that receives the notification as an event-payload and is capable consumes it.
  7. Select the Authentication Type as Basic.
  8. Enter the User Name to access the webhook.
  9. Enter the Password to authenticate the user name.
  10. Click Create.
The notification accounts are listed on the Settings > Notification Accounts page.

Add Subscribers for the Notifications

In an organization, you can add one or more subscribers to notification accounts. You can also create different subscriber groups and add them to rules, as desired.

You should have added and configured a notification account from Settings.
  1. Click Menu (Menu icon), and then click Settings.
  2. Select IoT Organizations from the Settings tile and select your organization for which you need to add subscribers.
  3. Click Subscribers.
  4. Note:

    For sending notifications to Oracle Transportation Management System (OTM), a subscriber named OTM is pre-seeded and configured for you.
    Click Create Subscriber Create Subscriber icon to add a new subscriber or group or subscribers..
  5. Enter a Name for the subscriber or group of subscribers that you are creating.
    For example, Warehouse Team.

    You may want to create different subscriber groups based on the fleet assets managed by each group.

  6. Select your Notification Account. Note that the preseeded OTM HTTP provider and the Default SMTP provider are listed in the drop down along with any other notification account that you've created from Settings > Notification Accounts.
    See Add Your SMS Notification Account Details , Add Your Email Notification Account Details, or Add the HTTP Server Details that shows how to add SMS, email and HTTP based notification accounts.
  7. (Optional) Select existing Rules to subscribe to events from the selected rules.
    Note that you can also add notification subscribers to an individual rule by editing the rule, or when creating a new rule.
  8. (Optional) Select existing Users to add them as subscribers.
    Depending on whether you have chosen an SMS or email notification account, the phone numbers or emails of the users are added to the subscriber group.
  9. If you are configuring an SMS subscriber group, you can individually enter the subscriber Phone Numbers.
    Precede the phone numbers with the country codes. Press enter after entering each phone number.
  10. If you are configuring an email subscriber group, you can individually enter the subscriber Emails.
    Press enter after entering each email address.
  11. Click Create to finish creating the subscriber group.