Responsys App Configuration Flow

After an app has been installed, the next step for the marketer is to configure that app. App developers must develop the app configuration user experience by ensuring the Configuration URL endpoint for their app returns HTML within an iframe. Next, the app developer must ensure the Save Configuration URL saves the marketer's configuration changes. App configuration comprises two interactions: view configuration and save configuration.

Viewing App Configuration

After apps are installed, they will appear in Responsys under Account > App management.

Selecting an app will open the app's details. Marketers will then click the Configure App button to configure the app for use.

When the Configure App button is clicked, the Configure URL you entered when creating your app is called. The configuration options for the app appear.

Saving App Configuration

Your app configuration UI should provide the marketer the option to save their app configuration changes.

Upon clicking Save, the app's Save Configuration URL is called.

Learn more

Developing Responsys Apps for CX Apps

App Configuration

Designing Responsys Programs with "App" Stage