Adding custom activities

Custom activities allow you to create activities for virtually any action you want.

To add a custom activity:

  1. In Control Center, navigate to Activities > Custom.
  2. Click Add Custom Activity.
  3. Configure the following details about your custom activity:
    • Basic Settings
      • Display Name: Specify the name for this custom activity. The display name is shown to members when using widgets.
      • Internal Name: Provide an internal name for this custom activity. Internal names are not shown to members.
      • Description: Provide a description for this custom activity. Members see descriptions when custom activities are added to activity list widgets. This data is also returned in our API.
      • Image: Click Select Image to provide an image for this custom activity. Images are shown to members when using widgets and also returned via the API.
      • Point Value: Specify the number of points awarded for this custom activity. Contact your account representative if you want to enable negative values for this field.
      • Tags: Specify tag(s) for this custom activity.
      • Partner: Select a partner, if applicable.
      • Category: Select the category for this activity.

    • Duration
      •  Activity Status: Enable this option if you want the custom activity to be active.

        Note: If the activity is not active, it will not appear on the site, even if you add it to a widget.

      • Start Date and Start Time: Specify the date and time in which you want this activity to begin.

        Note: The activity must also be set to Active.

      • Set End Date?: Enable this option if you would like the activity to automatically end at the specified End Date and End Time.
    • Frequency Cap: Set the amount of times a member can complete this activity in a given time period.
      • Individual Frequency Cap: This activity can only be completed a certain number of times.
      • Group Frequency Cap: Group this activity with other ones so that a member can complete only one of the group within this time period.
      • Unlimited (No Frequency Cap)
    • Select activity (optional)
      • Members must complete a certain activity to unlock this Custom Activity: Enable this option if you want members to complete the specified activity prior to unlocking this custom activity.
    • Link
      • Points on click: Enable this option to award points to the member after they click the link.
        • Points on Click: Link to Content: Specify the link that must be clicked to be awarded the points.
      • Link to Content (Optional): Provide a link to content, without points being awarded for click.

      • Link members to external systems while securely passing a user identifier. You can add the token %encrypted_userid%, which will be replaced by the member's CrowdTwist Encrypted User ID when rendered. With this, the resolving platform will be able to decrypt the value and have a member identifier.

        Screenshot showing link section in the custom activities bar

        Example: A User ID is 13579 and that when encrypted is abc123. You configured the link to be When the user clicks the link in My Program dashboard, the link is actually When the user lands on; you can then decrypt the abc123 to see the user ID is 13579.

    • Other Settings
      • Visible in Activity History: Enable Visible if this should appear in a member’s profile.

        Best Practice: A 0 point activity is invisible and anything 1 point or over is visible.

      • Activity Visibility: Enable Visible in Activity List Widget Configuration and Activities Page to ensure the activity will be visible in the widget configuration and APIs accessed by your team.

    • Eligibility (only visible once Segmentation is enabled)

      • Select whether the activity will be open to everyone or only members of a specific segment.

    • Additional configurations: When setting up a custom activity, you have additional configurations available, including:

      • Negative Redeemable Points – allowing to deduct from a member’s redeemable point balance.

      • Negative Total Points – allowing to deduct from a member’s point balance.

      • Tier Exclusion – excluding the activity from counting towards a member’s tier progression.

  4. Click Preview.
  5. Click Submit.

After the activity is created, you can add additional data to the custom activity.

Learn more

Custom activities

Getting started with activities
